Chapter 24: Park

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I looked at Arthit who was seated next to me but very stubbornly looking down at his hands.

"Arthit. Arthit!"
I finally raised my voice and he looked at me. His eyes were clouded. It took me alot not to reach out and just hug him senseless. Or wait, hang on, maybe that's the best thing to do.

But I decided to just scoot closer and sit with him, looking at him.

"What was that about? Can we talk about it?"

Arthit looked at me. He kept flickering his gaze between me and his hands. He finally took a deep breath and looked at me.

"I...I like you Park. Alot. Not like how I see the rest of the boys. I have..I have feelings for you and I really thought you felt the same way so your words earlier at the cafe threw me off. I..I always told myself to rein my feelings in after that disastrous relationship with Lun but just broke down my walls and I found myself liking you even more.."

Arthit whispered everything and looked at his hands again. I scooted even closer to him and just leaned in, nuzzling my face in his neck.

"That wasn't so hard. Why didn't you just tell me how you felt? I know I'm at wrong for hiding my feelings too but I didn't know how to put it to you. The wild beating heart of mine, when I held you, you should have heard it. The wave of relief that went through me when I realised you were not dating Kong, you should have seen it. The jealousy I felt when I saw that scumbag ex of yours, it took me alot not to pummel him further. I have fallen for you Arthit, way faster and more and you are way too important for me to let go of."

Arthit turned more to hold onto me tightly.

"I'm sorry for not stepping up to own my feelings."

"I'm sorry for not telling you earlier."

"I'm sorry for being such a chicken about it."

"I'm sorry for letting you suffer in frustration."

"I'm sorry.. for"

"Arthit! Enough."

I pulled away, glaring at him who just laughed.

"Be mine, please?"

Arthit nodded, his eyes glimmering a little. I leaned in, for the first time ever, giving him a soft chaste kiss. It was the first time in a long while I had kissed anyone and I was glad it was done out of love.

Arthit was a bit surprised but he eventually came around and placed his arm around my waist, commandering control of the kiss. I was surprised by his dominance but I eventually gave in.

Arthit deepened the kiss and I held on as if my life depended on it. I was very certain he would have gone further if not for the darn phone. It was always the darn phone messing up moments like this.

I half expected Arthit to pull away but he just ignored the fucking phone and instead pulled me closer to him.

We fell over on the couch and Arthit just swiftly swapped roles, hovering over me.

"Screw that darn phone. It's always ringing at the wrong time. The one person I want to talk to is under me now and that's all that matters. The rest of them can wait."

With that, Arthit came down on me and I totally let him be for the rest of the night.

With this, Cutie Pie Park comes to an end. It has been a while writing this book with all of the breaks I had to take but I am so thankful for the love, comments, votes and likes!

Till another story, till another #lovewinsall  :)

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