Chapter 16: Beam

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I was at the canteen when Forth messaged me. The boys had gotten hurt in a scuffle that had broken out between the Engineering and Communication Arts teams. I rolled my eyes. Again! They were forever fighting then always called us to come give them first aid. I wanted to reject but then Forth mentioned that Kong was pretty banged up too.

I instantly told him I be there, hung up and ran off. I literally held my heart in my hands as I went to the Dungeon. I took a deep breath before going in. Kit was already there, seeing to Forth and scolding him.

I just laughed. Those two had started dating recently and our Kitty Cat was even more fierce to Forth as usual. I then flicked my eyes over to Kong. He was nursing bruises all over his face and was bleeding at the mouth too. I closed my eyes and opened it, pissed as hell. I went over to him.

He looked at me and his face paled. He knew he was in deep shit. I just took out my medical supplies and started to clean his wounds. He had so many bruises on his face! I carefully applied the balm and put plasters over the wounds near his temples. Kong kept looking at me but I refused to give him the time of day. Finally as I was done, he grabbed my wrist.

"Can we talk for a while?"


"About this. I.. we didn't mean to get into the fight.. what happened was.."

"Don't worry. Forth already filled me in. Its fine. You guys do what you do."

I took my hand away from him and packed my stuff. I called out to Forth, asking if anyone else needed help and scurried off to help them. As I was finishing up and kept away my things for good this time, I turned to realize that most had left and only Kong and this other Engineering junior whom I was treating was left.

Idiotic Forth! It must be his work. A scowl instantly flitted across my face and the icy cold stare hardened in my eyes. The junior thanked me and he left. The minute he left, Kong locked the door.

"What's that about?"

"Can we talk please?"

"Like I said..."

Before I continue further, Kong came up and hugged me tightly. I was stunned and my words failed me.

"I'm sorry. I promise I didn't mean to fight. But they were attacking the juniors. Forth called for help. There's no way I..I could let them get hurt, could I?"

"And risk hurting yourself instead? Did you see the number of wounds you spouted in comparison to them?! You think it's ok? You think it's something I like seeing?!"

I pulled away from Kong, going off on a rant, my eyes starting to glimmer.

"It's not the first time. You guys always get into some scuffle and it's always with CA. Do you know how rough and shady those guys can be?! What if you got hurt very seriously one day?!"

Ugh! I was off on a rant and nothing could stop me. All of my pent up fears and worries for Kong was spiralling out. This stupid fellow makes me feel all sorts of feelings that I struggle to keep hidden and today's incident just made it burst like a dam.

Kong just looked at me quietly. Not stunned or anything but quiet. He finally reached out for my hand again and this time, I let him hold onto my hand. He stepped up to cover the little distance between us and hugged me again.

"I'm really sorry. I...I really should look better after myself and maybe we should find new ways of dealing with the CA boys than fighting. I am sorry na, Beam. Please?"

He pulled away, looking me in the eyes as he said all of it. I just nodded minutely. I felt Kong kiss me on my forehead and I took a soft gasp of breath.

Why did it feel so much more better and heartwarming than I thought it would be? It's like I was just meant to be in his arms and comfort.


"Tell me you don't feel the same way I do and I promise not to do that again. That kiss. Tell me you don't feel the same warmth, comfort and trust you feel in my arms and hold like I do. Tell me you don't want to keep me in your pockets like how desperately badly I want to do. I love you so much Beam and its frustrating me, this hot and cold game we been on. Let me just put it out to you openly today. If you don't feel the same way I do, it's fine. But I need you to be honest with me. I cannot deal..with this grey area between us anymore."

This time, I was truly stunned. I looked at Kong who just got all of that out, his face a full on blush, lips quivering and eyes glimmering. But the steely determination in his eyes was unmissable. Unmistakable.

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