Chapter 7: Arthit

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At Sotus the next day, I was busy with some paperwork when Aim walked over.

"Hey, how you Aim? All OK?"

"Yea I am.." and Aim proceeded to fill me in on what had happened. I was quite stunned that Park had rejected him even before hearing him out completely. Wasn't sure if that was the best move but I respected the fact that he didn't want to lead Aim on. I flicked my gaze over to Park who was busy with the drills and practice with the juniors. I watched as he dedicatedly and doggedly made sure they pushed through with everything though he didn't look too good himself.

I frowned as I continued watching him, noting the excessive perspiration and the jagged breathing from afar. I am no doctor but I could tell something was up with that guy. But before I could walk over, Forth walked up to him and dragged him away, calling someone on the phone at the same time.

A little while later, Pha and Kit came by. I observed as Pha checked Park whilst Kit and Forth had a conversation. Park looked pissed but he eventually nodded his head. He then happened to look in my direction and I quickly averted my gaze away.

I wrapped up my paperwork and told the boys I was leaving first. They all nodded and just as I was about to take off, Forth came over to me and asked if I could just make sure Park went home straight. I agreed.

As Park and I walked off together, I heard him muttering under his breath.

"I don't need a babysitter. This stupid Forth."

"You definitely don't need one. But you are unwell. And he's just concerned about you. So just listen to him for once okays."

Park looked at me in silence as I muttered it in response. He finally nodded his head and there was silence for the remaining journey. Just as we got to his dorm, Park turned to me, thanking me for accompanying him.

I nodded. I was about to go off when I suddenly turned back to Park.

"Give me your phone."


I glared at him and he hurriedly handed it over. I keyed in my number to save it for him only to realise he already had it saved as "Asshole P Arthit."

My eyes opened big at that and I looked up to see Park looking at me horrified but still maintaining or trying to maintain a steely gaze. I just chuckled, handing him back the phone, asking him to call me if he needed anything. He nodded his head and I watched as he went in.

As I went back, I couldn't help but smile as I thought how adorable he had looked , being so horrified I had discovered his nickname for me. Park and cute didn't seem like they belonged in the same sentence but he was really cute then. I rubbed my neck as I reached my dorm.

I took a shower and was about to get dinner when Park called me.


"Yea Park? Everything ok?"

"Do you have any idea where Lam and Forth may be? I tried calling them but no response."

"Are you ok? Why do you sound funny?"

"Im ok P. No issues. Let me call them again.. "

I didn't say anything and just hung up. I quickly grabbed my jacket and flew over, reaching his dorm in 10 minutes flat. Park opened the door, shivering. He was stunned to see me.

I felt his head and glared at him.

"Didn't I tell you to call me if you needed anything?"

"I'm fine..I'm just.."

"Shivering from a fever Park. What the hell."

I took off my jacket and immediately engulfed Park with it, stepping up, putting my arms around him as I did it. He looked like he wanted to resist me and I glared at him.

I could be fierce when I wanted to and I knew Park could tell. He immediately fought it down and kept quiet. I held onto him as I brought him to his bed.

I got a bowl of water and towel and sponged him and fed him some fever medicines. I texted Aim who told me that Lam and Forth were fishing and hadn't seen their phones but he will inform them since they were together. I told him to tell the boys not to worry as I was with Park but wanted to keep them in the loop.

Aim agreed and told me to call if I needed anything. I turned to look at Park whose eyes were closed but his face was flushed red and despite the heat in his face, he was still shivering badly. I stood up and went over to the other side, climbing into the bed and taking him in my arms. Park opened his eyes and looked at me in shock but didn't fight me. I just held onto him, his head tucked securely under my chin and my arms wrapped around him.

Soon, I felt steady breathing and looked to see that Park had fallen asleep. But 30 minutes later, Forth and Lam had arrived with Aim, surprised to see Park sleeping in my arms. I shushed them and they just nodded, big eyed though I saw Lam throwing me a steely gaze. I knew he was protective of Park but I saw Aim just briefly touch his arm nodding at him reassuringly. He sighed softly, asking me to take care of Park carefully. I nodded my head.

The boys left, locking up after themselves whilst I monitored Park's temperature throughout the night. I sponged him dutifully and also fed him water to ensure he would not be dehydrated. Park seemed out of it and was scarily obedient. I made full use of it as I knew he wouldn't listen the minute he was better.

He would be horrified to know he had been so vulnerable around me though I was completely ok with it. It made me realise Park was human too.

If you get what I mean.

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