Chapter two

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"are you sure, Archie-" well he really wanted to defend his friend but he knew him, he knew his friend. He's always been attracted to anything or anyone that gives him the attention and love he wanted.

Maybe he was or maybe he wasn't.
"He's been acting weird, always on his phone and smiling all the time and to make things worse, my dad just threatened me." Veronica confessed.

"God sorry but the truth serum is... really working." Jug said breathing heavily.
"I feel like... I also want to tell you everything but I'm holding myself in." Jug cried.

"You know I really... Hate you but at the same time your really beautiful." Jug confessed.
"Wow another compliment from Jug, my day just got better." Vee laughed making Jug also laugh.
"I'm never going to receive anything from you... You know that?" Jug says as Vee agrees with a smile
"I know."

There was alot of weird and heavy tension between the them and they somehow knew it and maybe it was the wine taking a toll on them or maybe them being them and blaming it on the wine.

By this Jug squeezed himself next to Veronica.
"About Archie, I think you should talk to him... Let him know how you feel," "If it was Betty, I would want to know." Jug slowly spoke gazing deep into her brown eyes

"I know... You should also speak with Betty also. I bet she's guilty for not asking you." Veronica also suggested slowly holding his arm.
Jug was always uncomfortable just being close to Veronica but now it just made him a bit sweaty and weird and he didn't budge removing her hand.

"And Vee, If he's cheating you deserve better, I know I can be cruel to you but you deserve better than these hormonal jocks." Jughead doesn't think but chuckles as she also chuckles. It was a moment they both share as their eyes darted towards eachother's lips.

Without thinking he found himself leaning in, admiring her brown eyes so close. He hated himself for thinking this but at the same time he liked the feeling. Same for Veronica, she's always found him annoying and cynical but perhaps maybe she was wrong, looking at him close and about the words he said, maybe there was a different guy inside there.
Veronica could not think, she couldn't think of Archie or Betty and for a matter of fact she just wanted to taste those lips.

Instinct tells her to close her eyes, to shut out the disgusting reality of what she's doing, who she's with. Surely this is excusable if she imagined someone else. Anyone else.

Instead, she doesn't, she stares at him, knowing she shouldn't. She shouldn't be doing this to Betty or to Archie but as I said they neither think of their partners.

Jughead opens his lips feeling her gaze upon him. His entire body is coiled tight and hot with hatred, but God, there's something intoxicating about her brown eyes, her parted lips and flushed cheeks.

There's no hate or judgemental feelings between them this time, nor any of their friend's interfering. Against his better judgement, he kisses her, drawn in by the soft pink swell of her parted lips. Her tongue is warm against his, eager and sweet as if she was not repulsed by his touch. Arched in his hands on her cheek, with his mouth and gasping breath, she feels no different from any other woman given over to the demands of her own desire.

She's almost silent, there is that: mouth dropping open but no sound escaping. Their tongues having a fight for dominance.
He holds her close. He couldn't think. He couldn't hate, or love, or anything in between. He couldn't still the flow of time and remain like this, blissful and spent and never thinking.

Jughead pulls her closer still, to feel that odd foreign bulge, distending in a sudden ripple as if in response to his fervour. I'm sorry, he thinks at it, fogged by lust and regret, I'm so sorry Betty. You deserve better and just then his girlfriend crosses his mind.

She breathes, hot damp air against his lips, and watches them part in response.

"God Vee, what are you doing, this is wrong!" he tells her, breathing heavily. Veronica watches as his face changes, fascinated against his will. It's a subtle shift behind his eyes, a barely perceptible tightening of his jaw.
Her lips twitch for but a moment as if in pain, and then all softness is gone and he is looking into her face.

"I still love Betty and you with... Arch,"

She leans out abruptly, all but throwing herself back.

"What are you talking about, You kissed me first and now your blaming me!?" she says, in a low-voiced, vicious hiss, "You know what... I shouldn't have stayed, I was wrong." the Jughead, she hated was once again back.

He extricates himself from the bed away from her without a hint of grace, with guilt as he stands.

"I should leave... Betty and Archie might be looking for us." he says awkwardly to her confused form, but faced with her level, icy glare, he finds he has nothing to say. He was right though, they had partners they loved and now they just made a mistake but she was still furious and worried with the way he reacted towards her.


She watched him go, unaware of the tight thrum of fury through her blood, barely contained by her veins. She feels like any moment now they might expand and give under the pressure, spilling out her life with the strength of her hatred. Her nether lips tender and swollen from their rutting.

Her tummy ripples in response to her emotion.

Just then panic overruns her thinking and hopes Jughead doesn't say a thing about their encounter knowing it'd break Betty and Archie. She runs outside of the room only to meet with Cheryl smirking.

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