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Veronica was dining all alone at pop's. She was supposed to have a date with Archie but then he stood her up. Now her best friend is busy with tutoring and her boyfriend, God knows what he's up to.
She took her sip of chocolate milkshake and some fries. It's funny how the moment she saw her fries, reminded her of a certain raven haired boy who has the habit of stealing people's fries.

She couldn't stop thinking of him, his alluring green eyes, his dark hair and his dark humour which she somehow admired. Veronica let out a sigh, she wasn't sure what was going on with her but whatever it was that made her think of that crown headed boy has to stop

When things couldn't get any better, the same crown headed boy she'd been thinking about, walked in.

Why the hell was she the bearer of bad luck? Well Riverdale was such a small town.
Veronica swallowed a lump of anxiety in her throat. There was no foreseeable way she could have fun tonight. Oblivious, and Jughead saw her and made his way towards her booth.

"What the heck are you doing here?!" Veronica couldn't stop the words from flying out of her mouth.

He sat back down slowly, never taking his eyes from her furious ones. "There's no rule or law that states that I can't eat here. Did it occur to you that you're not the only one who goes here?"

"Yeah, I know but why here, there are many sits, you can take your ass." Veronica hissed.
"...and I chose it's my pleasure whether you stay or not." Jughead replied stealing some of her fries as his habit.
"I'm staying, you're not going to make me leave here." Vee decided to persist crossing her arms around her chest.
Jughead couldn't help but smile at her action. She looked cute.
"Well since you're staying, I've decided to tell Betty the truth about the kiss." Jughead announced making Veronica choke.
"What!, Why?" Jughead had never seen her look that nervous and worried.
"Do you feel guilty or something, are you doing this to punish me?" She demanded as Jughead just rolled his eyes like he didn't care about the consequences.

"God! Veronica, not everything is about you." Jug cried.
"Don't you feel guilt, regret or remorse. Ever since that kiss?"

"I do but you know there's a risk, Betty will break up with you....and I might lose her." Her voice trailed off just imagining the thought of Betty and almost the whole school hating her.

"I'm sorry but I want to be honest with her....I've just not been myself Vee, we've tried very damn well to avoid it, act like friends or hate you but I can't... stop thinking about it." Jughead's voice trailed off.
Veronica was a bit surprised, she didn't know Jughead also felt the same way. She thought she was the only one who thought about it. It was sometimes suffocation, she didn't know why she kept thinking about it, about him.

Was that a confession? She thought

Jughead chuckled "why do you think...I've been avoiding you?" He says softly, his voice hoarse as his eyes bore into hers, the green within them unnervingly captivating.
"Why?..." Veronica utters locking eyes with him. Jug gulped when Toni's words rang repeatedly in his mind.

'was it, Jughead. Was it just a mistake?'

Someone cleared his throat trying to get their attention, it was pops serving Jughead with his order, interrupting their moment
"Here's your order." Pops said laying the dishes on the table.
"Ooh thanks pops." Jughead thanked him with a smile when pops turned towards Veronica.
"Should I cancel the other order, miss Lodge?" He asked, Veronica nodded.

"Okay." Pops replied leaving Jughead who was now curious as to why she was alone.
"Come to think of it, it's very unusual for someone like you to be here alone." Jug took a big bite of burger as Veronica made a disgusted face.

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