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Spencer, Aria, Hanna, Emily, and Adam are all hanging out at Spencer's Barn to have a sleepover, although for Adam, he had to get books ready for the upcoming school year

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Spencer, Aria, Hanna, Emily, and Adam are all hanging out at Spencer's Barn to have a sleepover, although for Adam, he had to get books ready for the upcoming school year.

Adam is the only one, who is not drinking, but is reading a book with his glasses on and eating popcorn. The music was playing in the background, but Adam didn't care and enjoy the music of any song that was playing.

Adam was about to go to the next chapter of his favorite book, "Looking through the Looking glass," when the lights are off and the music stops.

"What the hell?" Adam thought to himself as he got up to see that the girls were in front of the Barn's door while a storm was happening outside. Adam rolled his eyes and got his flashlight that showed the outside as Adam opened the door.

"Girls, everything will be fine. There is no one at the d-, " Adam was cut off by Alison spooked everyone, and even Adam jumped as well.

"Gotcha." Alison smiled as she saw Adam and laughs when she saw his reaction.

"That was so not funny, Alison." Spencer said to Alison.

Adam finally claims down from the jump scare, looks at Alison, and gets his pillow to throw at her as he agrees to Spencer response.

Alison got the pillow and said to Spencer, "I thought it was hilarious, guys."

Hanna, who is Adam twin sister, get a bowl of popcorn and give it to Adam, which had some, but get a hand full as she asked Alison, "Ail, did you download the new Beyonce?"

"Not yet." Alison replied to Hanna.

"I am loving her new music." Emily respond to Alison as Aria give Adam a cup to drink.

Adam knew that he was not a big fan of drinking, but going to parties is his thing, mostly when he is with Alison a not being called, "The loser and more nerder than Spencer", in this group.

"Careful, Adam, take too much, and you'll gonna tell us all of your secrets." Alison said to Adam.

Adam gave the cup to Alison and giggles as a result. "Friends share secrets. That what keep us close." Alison replied as she kissed Adam on the cheek.

With that, Adam passed out.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Adam wakes up a few hours later to see that Spencer, Hanna, Aria, and Emily are asleep, but Alison is nowhere to be found.

Adam gets his flashlight and goes outside to look for her. Adam knew that maybe Alison sneaked out to go back home, but never left without telling him where she going, that is what they did before he and Alison became friends.

Adam heard some noise behind him and saw that Spencer was behind him with a shock on her face.

"Where's Alison?" Spencer asked Adam.

"I thought that she was with you and the girls, sleeping." Adam replied as he and Spencer heard the other girls awake.

Spencer and Adam come back to the barn to see that Hanna, Aria, and Emily are awake also.

Hanna look at Spencer and Adam as she asked the two, "Where Ali?"

"She gone." Spencer said to Hanna.

"What do you mean she gone?" Aria asked Spencer and Adam

Adam looked at Aria, Emily, and Hanna, where he he give them a sad look. Spencer put her hand on his shoulder that everything is gonna be okay. Spencer knew that Alison and Adam were close before as friends.

"We've looked everywhere for her." Spencer response to Aria.

Adam looked at Aria, Emily, and Hanna as he was about to cry, but held back and said, "We think we heard her scream."

And to this day, everything changed their lives.

A/N : Hi everybody, I just want to let you know that this is my first pll book. Sorry if it's sucks, but I hope you enjoy it. Bye!

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