Old friends, New life (Pilot)

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One year later

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One year later

Adam gets ready for the first day of school since Alison's disappearance, and it broke him and his life.

Hanna did cheer him up by watching his favorite horror movies, "Scream," the 1941 version of "The Wolf Man," and "Jennifer's Body."

Adam did get better when Mona helped him and Hanna to become 'The next popular kids' in Rosewood High, and Adam was glad that it happened and as one of the jocks, despite still miss Alison as a friend.

Adam and Hanna's mom, Ashley, knocked on Adam's bedroom door and saw that her son was getting his backpack. "Have a good day at school and make sure that Hanna is with you the whole time." Ashley said to Adam.

Adam looks at his mom, knowing that Hanna might go to the mall again, nods and comes downstairs, and to the kitchen to see Hanna, who is putting lip stick on.

"Wow, Hanna, you look great!" Adam said to his twin sister. Mona really did help Hanna over the summer to be the 'New Alison', and Adam can't help but want to thank Mona of it.

"Thanks, Adam, and you are not wearing glasses?" Hanna asked Adam.

Mona did help Adam from being a nerd and to a popular jock by taking his glasses and playing sports more. Mona even gave him some protein bars to eat for the morning meal.

"No, not anymore." Adam response to Hanna. Ashley came downstairs and said to the twins, "I will be home tonight, and make sure you two be safe."

Hanna and Adam nodded as Ashley left the house to go to work. Adam got a text from his best 'friend', 'Jason.'

Adam opened his messages and saw Jason text that says:


"So excited to see you again."

Adam smiled as he went to school, but for Hanna, she went to the mall

Theme song:

"Got a secret, can you keep it?

Swear, this one you'll save

   Better, lock it in your pocket

Taking this one to the grave

If I show you, then I know you

Won't tell what I said

*It shows the liars in the screen standing over a coffin in order: Spencer, Hanna, Adam, Aria, and Emily*

Cause two can keep a secret

*Aria, do her famous 'shh'*

If one of them are dead"

~Deadly Secrets ~


When Adam goes to school, he feels that nothing is the same without Alison, and he knows it. He and Alison begin dating at some college party, but break up due to reasons of between Alison family problems and when Adam comes out as bisexual.

It broke Adam's heart, but he knew that Alison met someone else than him. Adam sees two people who look familiar to him, and when he walks closer, he sees Emily and Aria.

"Emily?, Aria?" Adam said as Aria hugged Adam and was surprised to see his new look.

"Adam, you look different." Emily said to Adam.

"Yea, no glasses, new books, and sadly no red cool talking car." Adam said to Emily. Aria sees that Hanna is not with Adam and asks, "Where's Hanna?"

"Oh, Hanna went shopping to get more clothes, again, and it's not gonna like she gonna take something and look like she steals something." Adam said to Aria.

Aria, Emily, and Adam hear that the school bell rings, meaning it's time to go to class. Adam looked at Aria and Emily and said, "I will see you guys later."

"You too." Emily responded as she and Aria go to class.

Adam is starting to wonder where is Spencer at, but he knows that maybe she is at the school already with Hanna.


As Adam goes to his English class, he sees Spencer here, who is also with Emily and Aria here too. Adam also sees that Hanna and Mona are here for class.

Just when Adam takes his seat and sees the English teacher write his name on the board, 'Mr. Fitz', Adam heard Mr. Fitz says something while looking at Aria, "Ah crap."

Adam looked between Aria and Mr. Fitz, in confusion, but get his notebook out for class. Adam can't help but  think about what is going on, but hear Aria when she gets her phone out.



In the school hallways, Noel Kahn sees Adam walking next Mike and smirk to see that Adam changes.

"Hey Adam, it's been a while, and you look cool, bro." Noel said to Adam.

Adam rolled his eyes to see Noel as he said goodbye to Mike. "What do you want, Noel?" Adam asked in annoyance.

"I was just asking, man. I also knew that you like guys now, huh?" Noel asked Adam.

Adam did talk to Noel after breaking up with Alison and thinks that Noel won't tell anyone that Adam is bisexual.

Adam rolled his eyes and walked away and opened his lock, but when he opened it, he saw a card and roses inside his locker. The card that Adam open it is was written by someone, but he saw that someone who sent him flowers was named 'A':


"Rose's are red, violets are blue, too bad I can't see you much, but I got a kiss for you, xoxo" - A

Adam looks around the hallways to know who gives him roses, but a creepy card, but nobody in the school never date Adam after he and Alison broke up, but Adam threw away the roses in the trash can.

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