Got a call from my dad (CAn You HeAr Me Now?)

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Adam is not surprise by what Hanna did to Sean's car after the party last night while Adam is at home, doing his homework

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Adam is not surprise by what Hanna did to Sean's car after the party last night while Adam is at home, doing his homework.

As of right now, the twins siblings are right now hiding in the brushes to see their mom talking to a police and Adam sign in relief as the police officer leaves.

Ashley walked to Hanna and Adam as the twins walk toward her.

"I never wanted to see another police car in front of this house, I thought all three of us were done  with that." Ashley hissed to the twins.

"Mom, I didn't total his car that they can fix it." Hanna said to her mother.

Ashley looked both to her children and said, "There is nothing I can do about this. Do both of you understand me?"

Neither of the twins say anything as Ashley leaves to go inside the house.

As Ashley leaves, Hanna and Adam go through to the brushes and find their friends.


"How bad did your mom bust you over wrecking Sean's car?" Aria asked Hanna as the girls and Adam are walking to the old bench.

"Okay, I did not wreck it, I damaged it." Hanna responded back in annoyance.

"Damaged it?" Adam asked as he gave Hanna a look.

Hanna rolled her eyes as she responded back to Aria, "And, actually, everyone's being really mature about it."

"Oh." Aria said.

"It's not, oh,  we're just being grownups. That's all." Hanna continues.

"Well, some grown ups, have an immature side of them." Adam mocked as Hanna glared at him.

"I mean, he got good point, though." Spencer agrees with Adam.

"Okay, so the town is gonna put in a new bench.We'll plant the flowerbeds, and there's gonna be a pathway of art tiles." Aria explains to her friends.

"Art titles?" Adam asked.

"Messages, pictures, memories of Alison." Emily respond to Adam.

Adam nodded as he said to Emily, "Oh, I got it, like little headstones."

"Adam." Aria said as she looked at Adam with a disappointment look.

Adam gets confused, "What, I'm just saying."

"Yes, and I still have Alison's bracelet on the day we find it while Adam stays at home." Hanna said to her friends.

Adam does notice that when Hanna gets her bag, he sees a little purple bracelet that looks like the ones that he, Aria, Emily, Spencer, and Hanna, got before Alison's disappear.

"I don't want it." Aria said to Hanna.

Adam rolled his eyes, and he said to his twin, "I will do it."

Hanna gave the bracelet to Adam as Spencer speaks.

"There's nothing that 'A' can say or do to get us into trouble, without making trouble for herself." Spencer said, which makes Adam confused.

"Do you think that 'A' is a she?" Adam asked Spencer.

"Him, her..." But Adam cut Spencer off.

"Bitch, whatever, but this person need to be stop at once." Adam said as Spencer pull out her computer.

"What are you doing?" Aria asked Spencer."

Adam can't tell what Spencer is doing, but Spencer responded back to Aria.

"I'm gonna block all messages from people that I don't know. IMs, texts, e-mails, everything. Screw A." Spencer said as she deleted all of it on her computer.

"Well, if this works, I will be happy of that or otherwise, 'A' can ghostface us on our asses, but on texts and not calls." Adam said to Spencer.

Adam still has no ideas of how 'A' know  everything that they know, but he just hope that this 'A' person is not one of his best friends.

After the girls finish deleting their stuff on Spencer's computer, Hanna let her twin brother do the same, and Adam hope that the stalking thing is over.

After Adam deleted his, Adam can't help, but in relief that A will be gone of it.

That is when the liars see a paper floating toward them and Adam grab the paper to revel that it's a missing person of Alison with a red drawing on them:


Adam can't help he is feeling a bit scared of what would A gonna do when they get their hand's on him and friends if the secret around Alison becomes deadly.



The next day at school, Adam is in the hallways and put away Alison's bracelet in his locker, he just don't feel uncomfortable keeping it, but he want to keep it for memories for Alison.

That is when Mike and Noel came to Adam view as Adam closed his locker.

"Oh, hey guys." Adam said to Mike and Noel as he smiled to see them.

"Hey Ace, have you hear what happened about your twin sister?, it's not the best." Noel said to Adam, which makes Adam to nodded.

"Yea and I'm not surprised of that." Adam response back to Noel.

Adam hear his cell phone is ringing and see what it is, thankfully it's not 'A', but it's his dad.

"Who is that?" Mike asked Adam.

"Oh, it's my father."

"Oh...the father that left you?, that sucks for you." Noel said, which makes Mike to hit Noel with his elbow.

"I don't want to talk to him, but he also message me if my mom, twin sister and I to have dinner with him." Adam said.

"Oh, sorry dude, I can't come tonight, I mostly gonna go out, but Mikie boy here can help you out." Noel said to Adam as Noel leaves to meet another girl.

Mike shakes his head, "Adam, don't listen to Noel, I can help you get ready for your dad tonight and I know how you are feeling after your dad left you." Mike said to Adam.

Adam smiled a bit as he and Mike hug as Adam said, "Thanks Mike, and I know that Hanna gonna get ready too, but not to be a loser, but can you help me of the outfit for tonight?"

"Sure dude, just let me asked Mona if she can help you out with a outfit." Mike said as he leaved.

Adam can't help, but is happy to have one of his best friends support when it comes to his issues with his father.

Adam can't help, but is happy to have one of his best friends support when it comes to his issues with his father

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