Welcome Back, Jason (Pilot)

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After Adam throws away a creepy gift, he decides to walk home from school while Hanna is with Mona

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After Adam throws away a creepy gift, he decides to walk home from school while Hanna is with Mona.

Adam gets another text, but this time, it's not the 'A' person, but it's Jason, with excited news.


- "I'm back in Rosewood, wanna meet me in the at the Kissing Rock?"

Adam smiled and began to walk to the Kissing Rock. Adam can't help but keep having flashbacks the night where Jason saves him by someone at some kind of college party.

Adam shakes his head and continues to walk.


As Adam made it to the Kissing Rock, he saw Jason, who was coming out of his car and walked over to Jason.

It's was the first time that Adam and Jason met since Alison's disappearance, and where Jason and his parents moved out.

Adam smiled and said to Jason, "You're back, baby."

Jason smiled also as he hugged Adam as he responded, "I know, Adam, it's just that it's been a year, and I have decided to come back to a fresh start with the love of my life."

Adam nodded but asked Jason that froze Jason, "Do you miss Alison still?"

Jason looked at Adam and nodded with a sad look on his face.

"Yes, I do, and I know that this town is starting to forget her to know if she is still alive, but I'm not sure." Jason answered.

Adam nodded and hear that he got a text from his mom:


- "Adam, your twin sister has been arrested for stealing a pair of sunglasses at the mall. Come home immediately."

Adam looked back at Jason and said, "Jason, I got to go, but I will see you later."

Jason sadly nodded and kissed Adam goodbye. Adam kissed back and stopped when he started to run back home.

But, unknown to Jason and Adam, a person have taken a picture of them, kissing.


Adam begins to run back home but stops again when he sees police cars and ambulances driving to Alison's old house. Adam sign, but follow them.

Before his eyes, Adam saw everyone, Aria, Spencer, Emily, and Emily new friend, Maya, outside of the Dilaurentis' house.

Spencer runs to Adam as Emily and Aria follow her. "Ace, they find... they have found Alison's body."

Adam can't believe what he just heard. Alison's body was found. Adam began to break down and sobs as Emily and Spencer tried to hold Adam back, who was trying to stop the cops, who was taking Alison's dead body away.

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