The best friend and ex-girlfriend (The JennA Thing)

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The girls and Adam are in the principal office, where Wilden is questioning them about Alison and her disappearance while holding a file of evidence

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The girls and Adam are in the principal office, where Wilden is questioning them about Alison and her disappearance while holding a file of evidence.

"So, let's see... you two thought you guys heard her scream?" Wilden asked Spencer and Adam.

Spencer and Adam looked at each other and nodded. "We have said that, yea." Spencer response to Wilden.

Wilden then looked at Aria, Hanna, and Emily and asked, "And when you three woke up in the barn, Alison was gone, and so was Spencer and Adam?"

"Yes, I woke up first and then went outside to see where's Alison at, and the Spencer awake is come with me, and we both realized that Ali was" Adam  was about to continue, but Wilden cuts him off.

"So you two went looking for her?" Wilden asked.

Adam nodded as Spencer responded, "Yes, that what happened."

"I got that. So, what's up? Was this a slumber party, or...?." Wilden asked the liars while looking at Adam. Wilden was a bit confused about why Adam was in the barn with the girls when he was a boy.

"Is this an interrogation?" Adam asked Wilden as he glared at the agent.

Wilden shakes his head as he answers, "No, just a routine follow-up. Why did you guys all fall asleep?:

"I guess we were tired." Aria said to Wilden.

Wilden looked at the liars before he said something and froze Adam and Hanna, "Tired?, really. Is that show you remember, Hanna?, Adam?"

"Yeah." The twins responded.

"Yeah, you guys were tired." Wilden said.

"Look, we've told you everything we know, just like we did the night she went missing." Spencer said to Wilden, who doesn't believe that Spencer is telling the truth.

"I know, and you see, the thing is, it's almost exactly what you said last year - Almont like it was rehearsed." Wilden said, but Adam, who is still glaring at Wilden, answered.

"Like Spencer and I said, we've told you everything we know."


The liars are at the cafeteria, eating lunch. Adam, on the other hand, is still mad about Wilden as Adam is trying to open his BBQ chips.

"He knows we're lying." Aria said to the girls and Adam.

Adam agreed as he responded, "Yea!, and I'm one step away from turning myself into a tomato if he still thinks that we are lying."

Adam is about to be angry again as he is still trying to open his chips, but Spencer stops him as she grabs the chips.

"Adam, it is when you're giving false statements to the police. It's called obstruction of justice." Spencer answered as she opened the bag of chips easily and gave it to Adam.

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