Chapter 15

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April Patrick (P.O.V.)

"Fine. We'll take you to this island of yours, but only because you won't stop bugging me about it." Brandon grumbled.

I smiled and hugged Brandon. I had spent the last month trying to convince him to take me to Arilis and he finally agreed. It was nice to spend the last month free from the Werewolves, Witches, and Vampires who were out to get me. It showed me a part of my life that I could have had if I had never been a Tiger-human in the first place. I would always treasure the month I spent with Brandon, Melody, Clover, and Amy.

Brandon had been a bit apprehensive of my decision to name my other daughter Amy but reluctantly accepted it. He seemed to be protective over them and helped me with taking care of them. Clover tried to help from time to time too. She hadn't had a vision since I woke up here a month ago which seemed to be a relief to Brandon.

As I released Brandon from the hug, Amy began to cry. Amy had quite the set of lungs on her. I turned to go handle whatever it was Amy was crying about, but Clover rushed past us.

"I got her!" She called out happily.

Brandon followed Clover just to be on the safe side, and I followed him. As I approached the doorway to the nursery, I noticed Clover was standing there with wide eyes and her hands on the side of the crib. I approached warily and didn't see anything that would have caught her attention.

"She's having another vision." Brandon mumbled from the other side of Clover.

Brandon and I watched Clover as tears began to slip down her face. Something in my gut told me something awful was going on in her vision. As Clover came out of the vision, blinking rapidly and wiping away the tears. Brandon turned her towards him.

"Clover, what was this vision about?" Brandon asked as he kneeled to his daughter's height.

"Oh, Dad! We must go! We need to leave or we'll both die! They're coming for us!" Clover cried.

"Who's coming for us, sweetie?" Brandon asked worriedly.

I picked up Amy and began to bounce her before moving to change her diaper. Amy quieted down after her diaper was changed and I glanced back at Clover, wondering why she had yet to tell her father who it was they had to run from.

"The vampires." Clover finally spoke.

Anger rippled through me, and I placed Amy down by Melody. I walked over to Clover and crouched down to her height. Clover looked over at me as she rubbed at her eye.

"Clover, how many are coming? I can try to protect you both from them." I said as I glanced at Brandon.

"No. You'll only die that way." Clover whispered.

My eyes widened as I looked at Clover. There must be a lot of them coming if Clover was worried about me dying to those bloodsuckers. I stood and looked at Brandon.

"We should pack as much as we can so we can get out of here soon," I told Brandon as I searched the nursery for a bag to start sticking what I needed for Amy and Melody inside it.

Brandon nodded in agreement and took Clover with him to go pack their things. I looked down at Amy and Melody with a worried look. My father hasn't come after me for a long time. If this is his vampires, how did they find out where I was staying at, and does he know about my kids? If he does, how did he find out about them, and would they always be on the run from him too?

I picked up Amy, lifting her and placing my forehead against hers. What my mom did to protect me from my father helped protect me for eighteen years of my life. Maybe I needed to do the same with my kids? Maybe change my name and go on the run with them? Would I even be able to pull off a different color of hair and be able to hold down a job in the first place? What about Luke? Would he be able to find me and come live with the kids and me? Would he be able to live a normal life as well after seven years of this life?

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