Chapter 26

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Alex Santiago (P.O.V)

Snow began to fall as we walked out of Haven. Rubert led from the sky, and I walked out in front of everyone. Walking in front of everyone meant I would be most likely the first to be attacked and at the same time, the first to get into Arilis. If I could get to Lily, I could get her out and safely back to Haven, but I couldn't be selfish no matter how much I would rather leave these people to fight on their own so that I could get Lily.

Rubert graciously agreed to help me get to Lily and I trusted him enough to do so. Jaydin walked up to me and slung his arm over my shoulders, grinning like a fool in metal armor. Ragna walked beside us in metal armor, looking a little scared.

This would be her first fight as it was, but not mine. I was here when we had to fight the witches and vampires when they tried to take over Arilis the last time. This time, there were far more of us than there were of them, and I wasn't going to stop until I got my girlfriend out.

"Isn't this amazing? The three of us going to war together like this and to get Alex's girlfriend?" Jaydin asked as he seemed to skip in delight.

"War isn't fun and games, Jaydin." Ragna spoke, glancing over at him with a skeptical look. "People die and if you assume it's fun and games, then you'll be one of the first to die out there on the battlefield."

"Wow. You're such a letdown, Ragna." Jaydin grumbled.

"Jay, she's right. Going out there isn't as fun as video games make it out to believe. You must kill people and get your hands covered in blood. Who knows how the fight will go? For all we know we could all be walking to our deaths. Being the front-line group doesn't do us much justice. We must keep them distracted until April's and Artemis's groups can get into Arilis and attack from the rear, resulting in a flanked fight. If they try to flank us, we'll be in serious trouble." I spoke as I looked at him.

"War seriously can't be all that serious." Jaydin laughed as he moved his arm from around my shoulders.

I watched as he walked backwards in front of me, laughing about how it couldn't be serious. The next thing I knew, an arrow was whizzing through the air towards Jaydin. My eyes widened in shock, and I broke out into a run.

Without hesitation, I tackled him to the ground, shielding him with my body. I felt the arrow glance off my armor and rolled off him. I quickly rolled onto my stomach and scanned the far tree line for where the arrow could have flown from.

Jaydin attempted to get my attention, but I slapped my hand over his mouth. The idiot was going to get himself killed. Another arrow whizzed through the air, hitting Rubert. I watched as Rubert fell from the sky before turning my attention back on the tree line.

There. I watched as arrows sprung out of the trees, whizzing for the griffins that tried to get Lord Rubert before he crashed into the ground. Each one hit their designated target. Griffin after griffin fell out of the sky. I glanced around, turning into my tiger form. I stalked towards the river, flicking my tail for everyone to follow. Few decided to follow me.

I made my way into the river and fought the current as I swam for the opposite shore. I climbed out and helped haul anyone who followed me onto dry land. Ragna and Jaydin had decided to follow me, and a few werewolves had decided too as well.

Looking out at those who didn't follow me, they were getting shot at with arrows. Thankfully, the griffins who had forged everything we were using had made sure to craft shields. The shields came in handy, and I was relieved they were using the shields as a wall from the oncoming arrows to protect the fallen griffins from further injuries.

I continued moving towards the tree line, leading the few people who had followed into the trees. We stalked as quietly and as quickly as we could towards the archers who were shooting arrows.

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