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'𝘡𝘩𝘢𝘯'𝘴 𝘴𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳..𝘐 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦'

Yibo took a deep breath and opened the door revealing himself, the teacher when saw him, she stood up from her chair and greeted him saying, "Oh you're here Mr. Wang, I'm sorry for making you come here in the middle of day", Yibo glanced at Zhan who was standing at the corner of ther room, "Oh no worries teacher", he said and sat down on the chair

Only he knew that how he was trying to calm himself down, his mouth wanted that tasty blood which was coming out of the boy's lip, he was continuously staring at the boy, "Zhan, come and stand here", the teacher said calling Zhan towards them, who slowly walked towards his teacher and his brother, while he came and stood beside the sitting Yibo, the man didn't stopped his stare towards him

"So Mr. Wang, as you can see, Zhan have fought with one of the boy from our school, don't worry I've also called their parents", she spoke making Yibo to now face her, he carefully listened to what she was saying right now, "Today the reason for calling you here is not because of fight, it's because that Zhan is getting poor on studies and he's really not focusing on any subjects..I thought that he lacks on studies but is a sport boy, so I pushed him on basketball team", she continued while glancing at Zhan

Yibo was time to time glancing at Zhan, he was not really focusing on what the teacher is saying but that blood's making him turn on, he was trying hard not to loose control in himself, he gulped hard, " he needs-", Yibo suddenly jerked up taking the tissue from the table making her stop and flinch, Yibo pulled Zhan and wiped the blood very harshly, Zhan was quite shock by the sudden action of Yibo he uttered, "What are you doing?"

Yibo ignoring his question turned towards the shocked teacher and smiled very sweetly like nothing happened right now, "Sorry for troubling you Teacher, I'll make sure that he understands nicely", he winked at the female teacher who's cheeks slightly redden seeing the handsome man winking at her, she smiled and spoke fast saying, "No no haha you did not trouble"

Yibo smiled widely and bowed, "Thank you, I think I'll leave now", he said grabbing Zhan's hand, he without listening to her walked out of the door still griping the boy's wrist, "What was that?", Zhan asked when he now stood face to face to Yibo, who gazed up at him, "You go home, I'll be going out for hunting", Yibo responded again ignoring his question, "You can't go unless and until you answer my question", Zhan again stubbornly uttered

But Yibo being a Vampire, used his power and in a flash of time he got off from the school's window, running away God knows where, "Hey!", Zhan shouted but was too late, as that tissue came to his feat swinging from air, his blood was there, Zhan again recalled what just happened and walked away in pure disbelief.


"Why are you home so late", Zhan asked staring at Yibo, who just walked inside of the house, his upper cloth soaked in deep red colour indicating that it's blood, Yibo when heard the voice quickly glanced up, he saw that Zhan was sitting on the couch his arms folded, the room was dark so he thought the boy already went to sleep, but to his surprise he was still waiting for Yibo? Why?, "Why haven't you slept yet", Yibo spoke walking towards him and threw himself on the couch beside Zhan

"I was waiting for you", Zhan answered right away letting Yibo know the reason, Yibo glanced at him, "Did you had dinner?", he asked staring at the boy who gazed back at him, "No"

"Why?", Yibo again asked now a bit frowning, "As I said I was waiting for you", the boy shooted back, "And I already said you earlier that I'll be away for hunting so you should have eat dinner", Yibo stared at him Disbelief of what the boy said, "Well, you are stinking go and freshen up", Zhan changed the topic very perfectly as to avoid the questions from Yibo

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