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"Zhanzhan will you come alone or do you want me to pick you up from school~?", Yibo asked handing his brother his school bag, which the other took, "No thanks Brother", Zhan responded with a little tiring tone as he was tired from the morning telling Yibo that he can come home himself, he is not a child anymore

"Alright~ but take care and come home early Zhan", Yibo uttered or it was more like a demanding tone, "Yah okay", the other nodded and moved out of the house, "Take care Brother", Zhan spoke without turning away and started walking towards his school, Yibo chuckled at the behaviour of his brother and moved in.

"Zhan! Wait up!", The voice shouted from behind the latter who was quietly walking and stopped when heard his name is being called, he turned around only to find Haoxuan running towards him in the school hall, the former panted when he reached the latter, "What happened?", Zhan asked staring at him who looked up and smiled

"I want something from you", Haoxuan replied, "What", Zhan asked raising his eyebrows a bit, "Would you please...HELP ME WITH THE STUDIES!", Haoxuan joined both hands bowing in front of Zhan, who kept staring at him with emotionless expression, "Why", he asked

Haoxuan looked up at him with pleading eyes, "My teacher said this is the last chance she's giving me, if I failed again then she said she'll surely tell my mother about this! So Please! My friend I request you to help me in studies!", He said everything in one breath and panted again, "Why don't you ask Jiyang to help you", Zhan uttered fixing his bag in the shoulder

"Jiyang is Just so Selfish!! He said me to pass by my own! And..And HOW CAN I PASS ON MY OWN!?", Haoxuan fake cried making Zhan to massage his own forehead with irritation, "Alright Alright I will help you", He finally accepted the request, which made Haoxuan to jolt in happiness and satisfaction

"Thank you! You're the best! Okay come to my house from tomorrow", Haoxuan stated smiling widely, "Why should I come to your house? You've to come in mine", Zhan gazed up at him, who widened his eyes, "Your house!? That disgusting Vamp-", Haoxuan quickly chained his lips when saw the mood change in the other when he said 'disgusting Vamp', Zhan was now triggered by the statement of the other who quietly gulped in fear seeing this

"I-i mean i-its really cool t-to study at your place....don't glare at me like scares me", Haoxuan nervously smiled scratching his nape desperately trying to change the mood of the other who slightly nodded in approval, Zhan was looking a little less angry now, but he gazed up again at Haoxuan making him hitch his breath.



Yibo glanced towards his brother who was staring at Haoxuan and the latter was infront of Yibo, "Speak", Zhan demanded with his low yet cold voice which already send shiver down the latter's spine, "Would anyone like to tell me what's happening?", Yibo asked trying to smile glancing at the both male but none spoke making him again shut his mouth

"I said apologise", Zhan growled lowly making Haoxuan to instantly look up towards the older male, "For what? I am not understanding anything for god sake", Yibo stated looking towards his brother who kept glaring at Haoxuan, "I-i apologise Mr.Wang", Haoxuan uttered lowly looking down at the floor

"What?", Yibo asked raising his eyebrows a little, "Speak loudly!", Zhan frowned and now demanded with an anger, which made Haoxuan to look up at Yibo, "I apologise very deeply Mr.Wang!", he bowed infront of Yibo who asked, "For what?", "I actually addressed you disgusting Vampire and It was truly not my mistake, it slipped so fast from my mouth that now I badly regret saying that so please forgive me", Haoxuan said giving a quick glances towards Zhan who was quietly staring at him back

".....So..You are apologising me for this?", Yibo asked disbelief of what he is hearing right now, "Yes..please forgive me or...he..will...I sincerely apologise", Haoxuan side eyed Zhan who was still staring at him piercing his soul like nothing, "Stop glancing at me and just apologise my brother sincerely..I want just sincere", Zhan demanded coldly as he was making the other apologies like his life depends on it

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