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"Don't worry zhanzhan your brother will teach you to control your powers" said Yibo soothingly to Zhan who stayed silent staring at the table which he broked some minute ago

"..Ah- I'll tell landlord about that haha you don't have to worry" spoke Yibo when he saw the boy was constantly staring at the table like there's no tomorrow

"Brother will I hide this power.." asked the boy now staring at his palms

"That's what you're worried about?..well don't worry you'll get used to it and I'll help too" Uttered his brother pointing himself proudly, which the other just rolled his eyes

"....I'll go make dinner then" said Yibo and stood up from the couch, he went towards kitchen and started making dinner, soon Zhan too stood up and went to his room as he still haven't changed after coming home from school

They both had dinner together, Zhan with his only delicious to look for, but poison in the inside and Yibo with his usual Duck blood

In the Morning

"Don't come in school, I'm warning you again for the last time" uttered Zhan taking his school bag from Yibo who smiled handing him and said, "Sure~ don't worry"

"Aish really I'm not joking around" spoke Zhan frowning a little now

Hearing this Yibo nodded his head and said, "Alright~ now go go you'll be late Zhan.. Take care~", he pushed the boy outside of the house slightly

Zhan rolled his eyes again and shook his head in pure frustration, but he let it slide for now and glanced at his brother one last time who waved him smiling ear to ear, after he turned around and started walking towards his school

The day went quickly and he again find himself in his house, brother Yibo in the kitchen making dinner while softly humming a song and him doing his homework in the living room

Zhan glanced at his brother's figure which was blurr in the mirror

'Time really flies very quickly'

Soon Yibo came there drying his hands with the towel and peeked on Zhan's copy which he was doing his homework on

"I'll be coming home late from tomorrow" spoke Zhan without giving a glance at his brother

"Alright then..but come home before 5" responded Yibo turning around again making his way towards kitchen, hearing this Zhan felt dumbfounded as most of the time Yibo is very worried about him, but now his brother didn't even asked him the reason why, he quickly looked at the figure of his brother which was now back faced walking towards kitchen, Zhan felt a little insecure. But as always he let it slide

Yibo while smiling softly took a glass out and he poured water in it

'I won't ask him why..because I already know the answer, he'll be practicing basketball from tomorrow'

Yibo giggled thinking as even though Zhan already told him not to come in his school, but will Yibo's heart understand? he just want Zhan to feel protected, if anything happens he can't loose Zhan

With this he walked towards his brother with a glass of juice in his hand, he smiled and place it in front of his brother. Zhan who glanced at Yibo and said, "Thank you" rather softly even hard for his brother to hear

Yibo just gave him a wide grin and sat beside him, Zhan sipped the juice and again continued his homework

"Do you want help Zhanzhan?" asked Yibo staring at his work, which the boy replied with only, "no.", Yibo shook his head smiling and took out his phone


"Alright I'm going" said Zhan walking out of the house, Yibo nodded and waved him before saying, "take care~"

Zhan soon got on his school and as usual everyone started fangirling over him for no reason, he doesn't understand why they are wasting their time on him when he always gives them a very cold shoulder

But as everyday usual he just let it slide and ignored them

After school he went on a basketball court for practice with his teammates, while soon being the most good player of it, probably because of his strength and power of werewolf, he can quickly reflect and even hear the breaths which is behind him...this only made more girls to root over for him

But as he was noticing his team leader was not happy with how he was playing, because he was trying very hard to play dumb as to prevent everybody to not know about his true self.

"Hey Zhan, can we talk for a while" spoke the boy who was the leader of the basketball team, Zhan turned around to look at him and didn't said anything just followed him from behind

The team leader stopped his track and same goes with Zhan, he turned around to face Zhan and folded his arms

"You know you're not playing good" spoke him with a little frown

"Sorry I'll try to be more better" responded the other but with a straight face

"If you don't play good in the finals I'll have to kick you out from this team" the team leader said in quiet bitterness narrowing his eyes on Zhan, who was completely fine by the actions and just answered with, "Alright", he said and turned around walking away from him, the leader stood there dumbfounded by the action of the latter, but didn't did anything as this was not finals


"I'm home" uttered Zhan pulling his shoe out from his feet and keeping them in the shoe keeper, he looked up and saw Yibo coming with big smile to welcome him

"Welcome~ you are two minutes early" said him and took the school bag from Zhan who handed him

"See? I do what I promise to" said Zhan slightly smirking being really proud of himself, which Yibo took his side he clapped his hands

Soon they're in now living room both playing their own mobiles

"You won't study today?" asked Yibo looking at Zhan

"You won't ask me the reason why I'm staying at school till 4:30?" Zhan shoot back staring at Yibo

Yibo who heard this suddenly his eyes lit up with excitement

"Oh yah I forgot to ask you..when is your basketball match?"

Zhan frowned hearing this and sighed

'Ah I knew this'

He started massaging his own forehead as he already said Yibo to not come in his school but he still came and even saw Zhan playing

"When is it?" Yibo again asked smiling widely

"Saturday" answered the boy

"Oho then I'll start preparing my camera!" uttered Yibo excitedly and ran from there to polish his camera

Zhan smirked in that

'It's actually on Sunday haha'


So heya! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and yah this here

One of my lovely people asked for me to edit Evil Lanzhan picture, so here it is only for you sweetheart

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One of my lovely people asked for me to edit Evil Lanzhan picture, so here it is only for you sweetheart..well I didn't make it feel that evil haha, but I hope you like this.

Love ya!

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