Messed Up completely

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With a chirping of birds and the ringing of alarm, Zhan opens his eyes. He sits up rubbing his eyes and yawns widely stretching his arms up, he looks towards the watch and saw it was 6 in the morning, he gets down from the bed and walks inside the bathroom to do his morning routine, after sometime he comes out and walks out from his room

It was unusually quiet today, there was no sound of the television from the living room which Yibo usually watched while making his brother a breakfast, Zhan somehow felt uneasy and started walking down, he gets into the living room and saw no one was there, but the smell of the foods made him feel a slight of relief

He quickly without wasting time marches towards the kitchen, but saw no one there..only the already made breakfast was being placed on the dining table, Zhan feeling confusion all over felt tension rushing over him, he started looking here and there and saw no one

"Brother?...Brother...Brother!?", he calls while walking all over the house, he finally walks towards his brother's room and opens the door in a rush..there he saw no one, now he understood that in the whole house he was alone, Zhan who was now in so much tension started calling his brother by phone

"The number you have been calling is currently switched off.", this was all the voice came from his phone while calling the other, 'Did he left the house? Yesterday after I talked with him, he was unusually quiet and didn't said anything to me, he just ate dinner silently and said he was tired so he wants to go bed early, he slept after that and I also slept in my own he unhappy with me? I confessed so much yesterday without thinking he angry with me?', he thinks and grabs his hair in frustration, gritting his teeth.



*Bang* The door banged open making all the teachers in the staff room to flinch and gasp, "What is this manner boy?", one of the teacher shouts with anger, whereas Zhan quickly walks in and holds his class teacher's wrist, she could already see the frustration and anger in the boy's face

"Did Teacher Wang came here?", he asks without wasting time, "Why are you holding me like this Zhan?", she asks with scolding manner ignoring his question making him more angry, "I asked did Teacher Wang visited here?!", he suddenly shouted making all the teachers to go quite

"N-no", his class teacher finally answers, looking at the boy with utter fear and shock ness, "Where is he then?!", Zhan asks in pure frustration gripping on his class teacher's wrist more tightly, "Zhan", just then a voice utters from back, calling for the boy who quickly turns towards the man who was standing there right on the door, it was none other that Bowen, "I have your answers, come with me", he says and walks away making the boy to immediately run behind him

"Where is my brother?", Zhan asks walking beside him while looking at the other who just keeps walking until they finally reaches the roof top, "I asked where is my brother?", the younger asks again with a slight anger in his voice glaring towards the older who grins adjusting his glasses

"Brother Bowen..tell me please, I request you", the half werewolf suddenly pleads making the other to look towards him surely in disbelief, "You brother texted me at morning saying that he has left to investigate the culprit that attacked him yesterday and wanted you and that half werewolf girl, Yibo asked me to take care of you while he is gone. So pack your bags, you will be living with me in my home from today onwards itself", Bowen explains

"And how should I believe you?", Zhan asks back with a frown on his face, Bowen hearing this quickly takes out his phone from the pocket, "If you don't believe what I said, you can look for yourself what your brother texted me", he says and shows the younger his phone screen where the Yibo's text was visible

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