Stubborn Child

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"Should we change the company?", Yibo asked leaning towards his brother who was staring at the bottle of liquid sweeper, "'s in discount", Zhan answered adding it to the shopping cart, "Alright, now what do we want next?", the older asked looking everywhere, "Your duck blood", Zhan replied glancing towards Yibo who jolt with happiness clapping his hands, Zhan sighed watching the action of the older male

"It's okay if it's costing more, We can look for others", Yibo uttered looking at Zhan who was busy watching the prices of Duck bloods, " can it be, it was 50 percent off till tomorrow and now it's saying that yesterday was the last date?..But I did checked clearly", Zhan muttered frowning a bit which was in fact heard by his brother

"It's okay ZhanZhan, let's not take it, I'll go hunt the rats if I get started craving for the blood", Yibo spoke placing his palm on the younger male's shoulder who quickly looked up towards him, "Eww no! You stink with that rat's blood, so if this blood's is in discount or not we'll take it, alright?", Zhan without letting the other speak put the three bottles of duck blood into the cart, Yibo pouted in that but afterwards smiled

"My ZhanZhan has grown taller than me", Yibo looked towards his brother, who faced him, "Really?", he asked, Yibo nodded in response still smiling, "What do we need next?", Zhan asked looking at the other direction which Yibo did the same looking if they left anything

The both male looked forward and saw Haoxuan and a boy staring at them, it looked like that Haoxuan also just saw them here, "Yo", Zhan uttered approaching them, which the other boy replied with, "Hi", he turned his attention towards Yibo now who smiled, "It's so good coincidence to meet you here, hii", Yibo uttered making Haoxuan to roll his eyes in that

"So you guys are what Xuan told me about", the other boy spoke making the three boys to turn their attention towards him now, "right?", he asked facing Haoxuan now, who nodded quickly in response, "Yes, they are the once..well, He's Jiyang my friend", the boy introduced him towards Yibo and Zhan who both nodded in response

"Nice to meet you Jiyang, I'm Yibo, Wang Yibo", he extended his hand so that Jiyang could shake it, "Nice to meet you too I'm Song Jiyang, this brat doesn't know how to introduce fully", Jiyang gave a death glare to his friend who gulped hard seeing this, he then turned towards Yibo and shook his hand smiling

Haoxuan stared at Yibo with slight burn in his eyes, "Oh!", Yibo shouted suddenly making Zhan to quickly turn towards him, "What happened?", Zhan asked worriedly, "Ah That..I..I  just remembered that I want new pair of bed sheet too", Yibo scratched his nape nervously smiling towards his brother who sighed heavily hearing this, "This days you're forgetting lots of things...well I'll bring that stay here", Zhan uttered staring at his brother who quickly nodded his head gulping hardly, "Alright~ Thank you~", he uttered smiling widely

Zhan walked away from there to find a pair of bedsheets, "So? Didn't you discussed with Zhan that thing?", Yibo asked when he saw his brother was far enough to not hear them anymore,   "I did and tried to make him understand each and every word, but your brother is an stubborn ass, he said he'll never leave I can't do anything in that. But, If anything happens to him because of you..I won't back off", Haoxuan explained everything towards the older who listened this carefully, Yibo felt a slight happiness and felt lucky to have Zhan and even more sad that Zhan has chosen him from everyone, even they were his own species, but he chose his enemy instead

"That boy trusts you more than never hurt him", Jiyang spoke making Yibo to look towards him now, he gave a soft smile to the older who nodded and said, "I can never hurt my own brother"

"I know you won't", Jiyang said smiling, "Hey! You can't be this nice to your enemies! We don't know what he has over his sleeves!", Haoxuan meddled glaring towards Jiyang who frowned hearing this and smacked his friend's head, "Stop doubting too Much", Jiyang gave a death glare at Haoxuan who kept quiet now

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