Trust issues

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Zhan's eyes shoot open and lingers his eyes around examining the room, the last thing he remembers after completely blacking out is that he was crying and begging his brother to not leave him again while hugging, he was in the bed now and it was perfectly like a hospital, he gets up from the bed hurriedly when doesn't finds his brother anywhere

"Brother Yibo!", Zhan calls desperately and stands up on the cold floor, he was still a bit weak about earlier fights and all, just then his friend Haoxuan dashes inside the room and smiles widely seeing the other awake already, "Oh, finally you woke up", the boy utters while walking towards his friend

"Where is my brother?", Zhan without caring anything, questions the other desperately with tears in his eyes, Haoxuan seeing this halts widening his eyes and gulps hard, "Your brother in the school", he answers after sometime of being in daze that how can this strong man gets vulnerable like this in an instant

Zhan hearing this immediately dashes out from the room and runs towards the school barefoot, he doesn't care anything any more is what he wants, needs desperately in his whole life, the sole reason for him to know this world at large, he just wants his brother now and nothing else, nothing matters now

He ran so fast that he arrived there in the school at just 13 minutes, but the whole school was empty, but still in a hope Zhan looked at each class rooms and also staff rooms, he at last opened the door of his own class and there he saw his brother who was standing facing out of the window

Yibo turns around when feels that someone opened the door, the wind swirl into the room, the both boys just stared at eachother without anything, but the quietness was speaking more than the words, Zhan without wasting any further ran towards his brother and hugs him, taking the other whole in his arms, whereas Yibo hugs back burying his face on the crook of the boy's neck

" not leave me again, please", Zhan utters with so much pain and desperate tone only he knew, "...ZhanZhan..Please forgive me, I never thought this will end up like this..", Yibo responds while closing his eyes, "..Do you know how hard was this one week living without you?..Brother, I felt I was at the middle of the ocean, I knew no direction..I felt completely lost...I felt you betrayed me brother", the other says while hugging his brother more tightly

"I-i am sorry, I promise that now I will never leave you like this..I never thought I was this important in your life, I just couldn't imagine", Yibo utters softly, "You are more than important in my life brother..without you I am nothing, Without you I will never dare to live in this vast are my everything brother, everything", Zhan says with a small frown

"Zhanzhan, please do not say like this, I am promising right? That I'll now stay with you no matter what..I won't think of leaving you like this, please trust me now..", Yibo utters while caressing his brother's back of the head, still hugging eachother like now they'll never let eachother go, most probably Zhan who was holding Yibo like his world depended on this Vampire..and nobody could separate them from now on.



"Is the packing finished?", the boy on the phone asked, Yibo and Zhan were currently on a video call with each other, "Ah's almost", the older male answers while cracking a laugh towards his brother who was looking at him through mobile phone, "When is it going to finish?", the younger asks

"I am telling you Zhan that it's almost finished", The Vampire answers while tidying the dried clothes, "Yah do fast and come here quickly", The half werewolf says or more in a demanding tone staring dragger at the other who feels slightly afraid even from the phone itself

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