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Cold wind blowing, it was a time of night so everybody was peacefully sleeping at their own houses, full moon was glowing and from the view of a Werewolf, there stood a Vampire in front of a shiny moon, smirking deathly staring at the Werewolf, who was glaring at the Vampire, his hand form fist as he growl

"Hah! You asked for it" spoke the Vampire with very sharp tone, his smirk never left his lips, as he runs or we can say fly towards Werewolf with such a speed that the werewolf couldn't get any time to defend himself and-

In a slack of time, that Vampire puts his sharp hands onto the werewolf's heart and pulls it out making the werewolf to fall on the floor lifelessly, his body slowly transformed into normal handsome man, That man was already dead

Vampire who just killed a Werewolf smiles darkly seeing the blood flowing everywhere, but suddenly someone calls, which make the Vampire to quickly in a flash hide in bush

"D-dad?" called the small boy about 7 years old and peeked from the wall, when he catch his father was laying lifelessly in the floor, the boy quickly runs towards his father

With trembling hands he touched his father's face and seeing the blood, the small boy felt very scared, he sob crying helplessly trying to wake his father up, who was in a very deep sleep that now no one can ever wake him up

"D-dad please..g-get up- don't l-leave m-me l-like mother" spoke the small boy crying helplessly, shaking his father's body and when his father never woke up, the small boy lost hope and sat in the corner of the wall watching his father from afar

Vampire was seeing this all from far away and felt very sad for the small boy, he slowly approached the boy and held his hand out for the boy

"Let's go home with brother?" the vampire said and smiled beautifully

Small boy was staring at him with big puffed eyes and a confused look,but now what can he do? he doesn't have any house to stay nor can he go to his death mom's house,his mother's family will never allow any monsters to stay with them as they were humans, once he and his father came to visit in her funeral,but her family all with a bad mouth said hurting types of things to them

The small boy couldn't understand why this man wants to keep him, but as he knew now he doesn't have anyone to call his family, so, his hand slowly approached the vampire's one and held it

Vampire smiled and pat the little boy's head, later taking him with him

After 10 Years

"Good morning Zhanzhan!~" uttered Vampire smiling widely, when he saw his brother Coming from upstairs, with a grumpy look

"Again I saw my father's death on the dream, I don't know what is going on" spoke him sitting on the dining chair

"Don't worry Zhan, nothing will happen, your brother is here~" spoke the Vampire patting the boy's head smiling, who sighed

"How can you always be in a good mood brother Yibo?" asked him with grumpy tone

Yibo just smiled and left to kitchen, soon he brought an egg toast and kept it in front of Zhan, who took the fork and started eating

Yibo sat beside him pulling a chair for himself as he watched Zhan eating

"Time really flies" uttered Yibo, which Zhan looked up at him chewing his food

"Look at you, you were so small and now you have all grown up, soon I'll have to call you big brother haha" saying this Yibo giggled, Zhan just stared at him blankly

"Look at you, it has been ten years and you're still the same as before" uttered Zhan, hearing this Yibo pat his head smiling

"Today is your first day in the new school, better behave well zhan~" said Yibo giving the school bag to Zhan, who took it and just replied as "hmm", with this he left from the house, Yibo watched his brother leave while smiling

"Grow normal like this Zhanzhan" said Yibo to himself and closed the door

On the other hand, Zhan was walking towards his new school, as how much he have changed schools and how much they have changed houses or we can say rental houses, he didn't have any friends, but he doesn't care about that, all he care about his brother not being exposed to world, or his brother Yibo will be in deep trouble

Understanding this Zhan continued walking towards his school and soon arrived there, once he got on his class, everyone's eyes were lingering over him, the girls were already fangirling over him, soon teacher came and introduced him to whole class and everyone clapped their hands

Zhan got irritated by this all as he doesn't like to be in center of attention

The day was going peaceful in school, but someone was watching Zhan from top of the school roof everytime, it was non other than his brother Yibo

"He's enjoying his day well, I'm so good brother~" Yibo said to himself and smiled clapping his hand

Other side, Zhan was sitting on his own desk and chair watching his phone, one girl approached him, sitting in front of him, pulling the chair she nervously spoke

"H-hello I-i am Mian" said her while trying hard to smile

Zhan looked up with cold expression and said, "hi" With this he again went to watch his phone, the girl felt very nervous as she played with her fingers not knowing how to start a conversation

"U-umm..y-you are so h-hansome!" uttered her and looked down blushing, hearing this Zhan looked up at her

"Thanks" spoke him coldly and again his eyes went on his mobile

seeing this Mian stood up from the chair nervously, as she knew now Zhan is not in a mood to talk

"M-my friends are I'll go, don't hesitate to come to me if you need any help" said her and walked away when Zhan just nodded his head

Yibo was seeing this all and made an upset face as he said to himself, "zhanzhan is so shy to talk with peoples, it's all my fault he's like this, I always changed place and he didn't got time to make friends..aishh Yibo so bad you are" he fakely wipe his tears

After awhile, Yibo was hungry so he texted Zhan : "I'll be going for hunting, so I'll be late to come home at night, take care Zhan :)"

Zhan saw the message and replied with : "Alright."

So heyaa! How are you guys! This is my new FF I hope you'll like this and please don't forget to read my other ffs.

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