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Everyone were eating the pieces of Cake in silence. Haoxuan was not eating at all, Bowen and Jiyang were gulping it down with the help of water, Clover was trying hard to finish, Zhouxuan was making disgusted face but trying hard to show that the cake tasted good, only Zhan was the one who was silently eating like its the normal cake

"How is it guys?", Yibo asks happily and excitedly, "Isn't it too..sweet?", Haoxuan utters softly and hesitantly while also trying to smile just with the fear of Zhan, "Too sweet?", Yibo tilts his head in confusion

"..So much has happened lately, it feels like time is passing too slowly", Haoxuan utters stretching his arms and yawns. "Yes, its not even been a month of your appearance", Zhouxuan utters looking at Clover who stays silent hearing her out

"Is this every half-werewolves fate?", Zhan asks while taking the whole cake on his lap and eating it, "I don't know", Haoxuan utters shrugging, "Most of them doesn't lives past Clover's and yours age to be honest", Bowen utters while folding his arms.

"Half-werewolves to us are like ticking time bombs. There is always the risk of being exposed", Jiyang says while fixing his glasses. "Therefore, when Half-werewolves are born, they are usually abandoned for dead. Of course, there is no fear of them being adopted by humans, as they are usually killed quickly by vampires", Bowen explains

"...Why are you looking at me? Aren't I alive and well now?", Zhan asks looking at Haoxuan and Jiyang who were staring at him, as he puts another fork of cake into his mouth

"...Why are you still eating that? Aren't you afraid of diabetes?", Haoxuan asks in disbelief while staring at Zhan eating the cake made by Yibo

"That's why I am amazed by your interesting duo", Jiyang utters while looking at Yibo and Zhan. Zhan points towards Clover and asks, "So it means its awkward we are here?"

"No, who said it? I mean half-werewolves are more stronger than normal werewolves. I am a new generation leader, having new thoughts, I wouldn't mind keeping you both", Bowen answers while folding his arms, Zhan nods and continues eating the cake

Haoxuan then looks at Yibo, "So you tell me, what have you discovered from your search to another town?", he asks. Yibo looks at him and nervously scratches his nape chuckling and answers, "Uhm well..I couldn't find anything"

Haoxuan sighs, "What can be expected more from you", he says rolling his eyes. Yibo takes the cake from Zhan and walks towards Haoxuan with it, "Common, you haven't taken a bite of it, taste it", the vampire utters smiling happily

"Get that off my face!", Haoxuan immediately hides away looking at the cake.



Zhan is wiping the table, while Yibo is washing the dishes on the kitchen, "...Brother, do you remember 10 years ago?", he asks softly while wiping the table, "..Yeah I remember", Yibo answers while washing the dishes

"Do you know why I chose to go with you?", Zhan asks still wiping the table. "Why?", Yibo asks while scrubbing the dishes. "Because at that time I could feel many dangerous peoples watching me..but that feeling went away when you appeared", Zhan answers

"...Thank you", The other says, suddenly he feels arms hugging him from behind, Yibo's breath hitches, Zhan rested his chin on his brother's shoulder, "...Have I ever said thank you for taking me with you?", he asks softly and very gently

Yibo felt his heart beating fast, "..Welcome", He utters softly continuing to wash the dishes. "If you haven't come and took me, I don't know what have happened to me brother..", the half-werewolf utters, Yibo can feel his soft breaths, he can hear the genuineness and sincerity in Zhan's tone and words. He really meant it

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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