Classic quote book

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The image above is of an iconic photo from The Old Realm itself.
The quotes below are from the original quote book that was in The Old Realm (February 2021- June 8th 2021).
I have images of it but it's very buggy so I just decided to rewrite them.
Also please remember that if there is a space between the quotes, that means they are separate occasions. If they are together that is a conversation that got quote book'd as me and my friends call it.


I just became Mumbo Jumbo! -Logan

How do I explain this, Logan please don't kill me -Kneefuly

The chicken must be killed! -Logan

Yay it worked! Oh my game crashed -Kneefuly

That went in one ear then out the other -Draco

I want to make the hive again -Kneefuly about the Java hive server

I hate gravel, I hope it takes its stuff and leave! -Kneefuly

They call me quotey -Kneefuly

Logan! We need to catch up, Kneefuly has five quotes already! -Draco to Logan

That's the worst sentence I've ever said -Kneefuly

What was I gonna quote myself on? Eh I forget -Draco


These ones all happened on the same day. I was on the realm for 10 hours, it was a long day

LET ME OUT! -Draco running for the nether portal
FIREBALL ME GHAST! -Kneefuly three seconds away from getting hit
DONKEYS! -Logan just chilling
Logan you just made me rethink my life choices -Kneefuly while on fire

All I know is too just run! -Kneefuly

Ok I'm safe, I'M NOT SAFE ACK! -Draco getting attacked by zombie villagers

Now I really want to go home, fix my helmet and make some mushroom soup -Draco

I want my torches back, it's dark -Draco

*burps* excuse me -Draco

Come here you three blocked freak! -Draco while attacking an enderman

Oh shit! -Logan

After Logan said that last quote there, I had a big laughing fit and couldn't stop for a solid seven minutes. After that I decided it was about time I logged off and go to sleep.


We only need to make them frick! -Kneefuly talking about breeding villagers

My brain just exploded -Kneefuly

Someone is going to bomb my house with a fucking laugh! -Kneefuly
*Draco immediately starts laughing*

They call me quotey mister boaty -Kneefuly

I like to play as nut -Phoenix

No we haven't made a part 2 -Kneefuly lying to Logan

Why are the villagers so horny? -Kneefuly

I'm Ghostler, Ghostler is invincible -Ghostler

No refunds, now die! -Ghostler

Idk but it's free real-estate for me! -Draco

Yeah go hit on the Ender Dragon -Draco to Kneefuly

We are very wired -Draco, Kneefuly and Phoenix

Guys help I don't have any blocks! Oh wait I have a pickaxe -Logan

You're lit -Kneefuly

Wait I just spoke three languages in one sentence -a very confused Ghostler

Wait he died? Meh I have more -Draco trying to build her dog army


I cAn'T i'M pLaYiNg MiNeCrAfT! -Logan in a funny voice

I am in pain -Kneefuly

I feel like I barfed in my mouth -Logan

Don't quote me on that. -Kneefuly

All I eat is potatoes -Draco

Ok who is making my dragon head's tongue move? WAIT NO- -Logan realizing what he just said
That's usually something I would say -Kneefuly

GIVE! -Phoenix

*sniffs Logan's Minecraft skin* You smell like potatoes -Draco
(He had a hidden potato farm and I found it)

What's a bone-r-ang? -Logan
Did you throw it? -Kneefuly

Time to grab an armour stand and kidnap some armour! -Draco

Guard dog bitches -Kneefuly

They found out about the duplication thing and now they are making me duplicate everything! HALP MEH! -Draco

Note to self: the pig step disc is totally not a rickroll -Draco

Note to self: don't play the meglaveina disc or sans will kill you -Draco


And then that was it,
We blew up The Old Realm with tnt because we had done everything in it already.
It was time to restart,
And we made sure The Old Realm went out with a


Quote book scoring

Kneefuly - 21
Draco - 19
Logan - 10
Ghostler - 3
Phoenix - 3
Hybrid - 1


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