Chapter 1- Rivals

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There once was a land with a single unified kingdom, where once there lied peace and prosperity, now there's anguish and greed. Where once we were united now we are divided into two separate kingdoms. Sarichia - where everything the eye could see was as bright and priceless as the sun itself, in a place where everything is valuable: nothing is. Ellesmere - where Aphrodite scattered her beauty and elegance to overshadow the pain and malice, in a place where everything is harmony, nothing is.

We were once united, now we are divided. Separating the kingdoms from conflict lies a forest: Faded Everlands. The two kingdoms have had hatred for each other for decades, ever since the Battle of the Everlands, the story is foretold that the forest grew in between the kingdoms to bury the spirits of the kings that had died to prevent further conflict and put them at peace.
But that was a long time ago! We now respect the boundaries and the ones that don't, envy the ones that dwelt in it besides no one even dares to cross the forest to the other kingdoms... well most of us.

The sunlight streaked through the curtains as the sun awoke from its deep slumber, awaking my kingdom. There was five loud bangs against the door when a maid came in carrying the leftovers of an English breakfast

"Good morning princess" she says placing the breakfast tray on my bed and opening my curtains, I opened my eyes drearily

"Please don't call me that, what's the purpose of my name if people will just call me by my title?" I say rubbing my eyes and sitting up on the bed

"Of course my lady" she says.

Smh. I'm the princess of Sarichia, the kingdom of wealth and jewels as people call it. My father is the king and as I'm his only child I am heir to the throne. But I will not stand by and let people think I'm a pretty princess from those story books, I'm a warrior.

"You have a dress fitting at 1pm followed immediately by dinner at the great hall" the maid says "Do you need anything?"

"No that's all thank you" I say

The maid nods and slowly closes the two double doors, as soon as I hear the door click I jump off my bed and run to the wardrobe, I get changed and curl my hair and retrieve my secret archery set from underneath my bed, I throw open my window and slide down the roof onto the grass beneath, I take a moment to breathe and look at the rising sun before running into the forest loading my bow...

In Ellesmere

"Your not listening to me!" Fran yells slamming her fists on the table "I'm the rightful heir to the throne! Not some wealthy prince"

The king pushes his chair out and stands up intimidatingly"You have no say in the matter! Sarichia is already more powerful then us and has their warriors trained in gold! If there ever was a war we need to be prepared!" He yells

"I can do that just as easily! Would you really put this kingdom in the hands of a foreigner!" Fran shouts back

"Darling, as the king I am much a threat as the next, I can't risk losing you" the king says calmly

"Have you ever asked what I want father!" Fran yells pushing her chair out from underneath her and standing up "I can destroy that kingdom in a heartbeat if only you'd let me rule! If I could put my fist straight through their kingdom I would!"

Fran takes a knife from her plate and stabs it into the table, the witnesses are speechless, the king gestures for a guard to come

"Escort her out" he says, a guard obeys and grabs Fran's wrist which Fran immediately yanks away

"Get your hands off me!" she turns to her father

"You've made a big mistake" she shakes her head in disbelief and turns around sharply making her cape swoosh in the process and storms out the hall the doors slamming shut behind her.

I'm the princess of Ellesmere, the kingdom of beauty and luxury. As nice as it may seem I feel trapped here, I am forbidden to lead my own citizens and my father would rather leave it in the hands of someone unworthy. I hate it. She thinks to herself.

Fran slams open the double doors to her bedroom and walks straight through her room over to the balcony and leans over the railing looking down on her kingdom she cannot rule, in the far distance she can see the tallest towers of Sarichia: it disgusted her.

She heard footsteps enter the room but didn't bother turning around she already knows who it is

"Your highness... I-"

"Leave" Fran says still looking out

"It's for the good of the kingdom..."

"No!" Fran yells spinning around to face the guard that escorted her out "You know what would be best for this kingdom? Is for Sarichia to burn, to be destroyed, all our problems originate from them!"

"Our ancestors tried years ago to get rid of them, they're too powerful" the guard says

"Yeah well.. they didn't have me" Fran walked out the door with the guard trailing behind her

"What- your highness where are you going?"

"To kill the princess"

Back in Sarichia

I just got back from my dress fitting and slumped down on my bed after having to wear a corset, the sound of the shouting gamblers from the casinos and my drunken father rang in my ears but on top of that was a sweet guitar sound, I got up and walked over to my balcony and looked down to see the a warrior practising on his guitar in the gardens, I rested my head on the railings listening to him until he finished

"Shouldn't you be training?" I asked, he looked up startled that I was watching

"Oh um- perhaps..." he said

"Quite the musician"

"I like to play a few songs when I'm on break" he says "Speaking of which, you weren't out in the Everlands again were you?"

I stayed silent for a minute "It's forbidden"

"Of course, of course" he says going to play another song "But in the future drop your necklace at the mouth of the woods"

I frantically feel for my necklace on my chest but it was gone, I looked down again to see him holding it, smirking.

Suddenly an arrow came flying along the side of my face sticking into the wall beside me, we both exchanged the same glances as he picked up his guitar and ran inside the castle, a note draped along the side of the arrow...


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