Chapter 8- Finale

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Fran and Aiden were dragged back into the chambers and thrown into cellars with the door locked behind them.

The guard spat at them before leaving and slamming the door behind him.

"Well doesn't this bring back memories?" Aiden joked trying to lighten the mood

Fran laughed but was quickly reminded of the events that had just played out, the blood, the explosives, freedom was in their grasp.

"I'm so tired of these bars" Fran yelled hitting her hand on them "I'm so tired of these walls!" She said hitting the bars again "I'm so tired of everything!" Fran yelled as her voice echoed around the chambers as she slumped down onto the ground squinting her face as if she was in pain

"Fran its alright!" Aiden said trying to calm her down

"Our freedom was so close Aiden!" Fran screamed "And now we have nothing" she said letting a tear role down her face, the isle between the two cells was small so Aiden stuck his hand out towards her as far as he could

"We'll get out of here! I know we will" Fran looked up and placed her hand on his just about reaching, this was killing Aiden all he wanted to do was run over and hold her but he couldn't.

Suddenly they were interrupted by footsteps coming down the stairs, it was the last person they wanted to see

"Well isn't this a surprise" Jacob said approaching out of the dark lit hallway "I knew you couldn't stay away" he said looking down on both of them as they just gave him a blank expression back
"Aw don't look at me like that, you've always said you wanted Sarichia to get a new leadership and you've finally got your wish"

"If my wish comes true you'll be dead by morning" Fran said looking straight across from her, Jacob just let out a huff

"Well enjoy your stay here, and hope that wound isn't too deep" Jacob winks and walks out

Aiden looked over at where Jacob had gestured to see a deep red blood stain on Fran's arm he could just about make out from the dark shadows of her cell, Fran noticed him looking and covered her arm failing to hide her expression as her face squinted at the sting

"Your wounded!" Aiden shouted "Why didn't you tell me! Is it deep?"

"It's nothing" Fran said hiding the pain she was in but Aiden could clearly tell she was lying as he saw the stain become bigger

"Let me see it"

Fran reluctantly lifted her sleeve up to reveal a deep cut wound from a sword that must have happened during the fight

"That's it" Aiden said as he stood up and walked to the back of his cell, suddenly he ran full speed at the door pushing with all his might to get it open but it didn't budge as his shoulder stung and he slumped back down to the ground, he looked over at Fran who was leaned up against the wall with her eyes closed trying to handle the pain as her face became paler, Aiden stood up again and ran at the door again only for it to creak but not open.

"Aiden?" Fran said in a weak voice, suddenly Fran collapsed to the her side on the floor, her eyes flickered open and shut hearing Aiden shouting

"Stay with me!" The last thing she remembered was a loud bang as Aiden's arms clutched around her....

Fran woke up with a start in an empty room, she could tell she was out of the cell as daylight filled the room and the environment wasn't so damp, Fran tried to move her arms but struggled and looked down to see she was tied to a chair with ropes surrounding her chest, arms and legs.

She moved her arms struggling to get out for then for her to notice a bandage covering her wound and that it was no longer bleeding. However her thoughts were quickly directed to the struggle at the door lock as it suddenly swung open and guards came rushing in with armed crossbows aimed at her and behind them all was a familiar face.

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