Chapter 2- The Banquet

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The Sarichia banquet was tonight to celebrate: nothing. To show off the kingdoms wealth and luxury was its purpose, everything Sarichia does is to make Ellesmere jealous. Tonight had to go perfectly, there were fireworks, music and formal wear, nothing could go wrong... could it?

In the hall the warriors and majesties were surrounding a table with the arrow in the centre of it.

"We must take all precautions seriously this is what I've trained you to do" the general says the warriors

"We must have two warriors with her highness at all costs" the general points to two guards one of which was the person she'd caught playing the guitar the night prior and one who was tall and with black fluffy hair "Enzo and Aiden"

The king slams his fist on the table making everyone jump "Ellesmere will not win this war" he says stumbling over to his left

"Someone fetch my father a glass of water, he should at least be sober for this " I say shaking my head, everyone disbands from the table with the guards following close behind me.


Fran was pacing in her room with her guard leaning against the wall.

"The only way my father is going to ever let me rule this kingdom is for me to show him what I'm capable of" Fran says "Sarichia is having a banquet tonight, if I could sneak in I could get some valuable information off them or something even better-"

"No absolutely not" the guard interrupts

"I wasn't asking for your authorisation" Fran says

"You haven't had any experience you'll get caught and most likely die" he says

"Rude of you to assume" Fran says opening her wardrobe and finding the perfect scarf to cover half of her face

"Besides the prince is coming tonight, you know the one your supposed to marry!"

It's true, a foreign prince was coming to Ellesmere with his previous 'wealth' to meet the king and see if he's a right fit to rule the kingdom.

"I'm not marrying him besides the banquet is before his arrival I'll be back in no time" Fran says

"I can't trust that you'll be back, plus you have no equipment for it

"Wait do you want accompany me?" Frans asks in disbelief

"It's not like I'm going to change your mind" he smirks

"Well then, we'll leave in 15 minutes, get my horse ready"

"As you wish your highness" he says running out the room.

The night was upon us and the sun was setting creating an orange sky across the kingdoms. Fran was in her disguise in a dress covering half of her face. She sneakily made her way to the stables we're the guard stood in his disguise holding her horse.

"You clean up nicely" Fran says as she takes his hand in helping her up her horse

"Take this" he hands Fran a small ear piece "It'll help us communicate with each other in Sarichia" Fran puts the ear piece in

"Oh shit, I think I pushed it in too far" the guard chuckles and gets upon his horse "No seriously I won't be able to get this out" Fran says

"Just follow me lead" the guard says, he slashes the reins as the horse rears and gallops into the Everlands, Frans doing the same.

They emerged to the other side of the forest just in time. They could hear the crowds of people lingering in the gardens but could also hear the shouts of the men in the casinos, they dismounted the horses and peered around the gate. Flocks of people were gathering in the centre where the banquet was, they arrived just in time.

"My people come fourth, come one and rejoice in our wealth"

Fran knew that was the king, just a drunken fool ruling a flamboyant kingdom, Fran was about to enter but the guard grabbed her wrist

"Don't speak to anyone unless spoken to and don't do anything I wouldn't" he says

"No promises..." Fran says slipping out of his grasp and joining the crowd. The king, the general, two guards and the princess were stood above everyone else on the highest step leading to inside the castle.

"What a splendid evening this is, what a perfect night, what a-, what a splendid evening this is" the king says clearly having had too many shots, Fran clenched her fists at the sight of him ....

"You may now feast" he finally says, everyone rushes to the tables and starts scoffing their faces with pig and oysters ,Fran goes to one table while the guard goes to another blending in

"All we know so far is that the king is a drunken ass and these citizens are snobs" Fran says putting her hand to her ear

"Honest to Zeus i'd rather live a poor unfulfilling life than be a citizen of this kingdom also don't put your hand to your ear like that you look like a twat" the guard says over the ear piece, Fran quickly puts it down looking beside her to see if anyone notices while she heard a chuckle come from her ear piece

"Hey you're being very secretive about your identity, why don't you tell me your name?" Fran asks

"My name is Jacob" the guard says nodding at a resident realising how it might seem as though he's talking to himself

"Who's the twat now?" Fran chuckles grabbing a skewer off a plate

Up by the castle the general had already taken the king away to get rest and me and the guards were watching the people feast,

"You've both done enough, go enjoy the banquet" I say to Enzo and Aiden

"We've had direct orders to keep you safe my lady we mustn't even take our eyes off you for a second" Enzo says

"And as your future queen I demand you to drop your guard and go enjoy yourselves" I say raising an eyebrow, the guards look at each other and look back at me, I nod and they both slowly make their way down the stairs, Enzo turns back

"But what if something happens to you"

"Then my scream will be unmistakable" I say, they both smile and join the crowd, I later join them.

Fran sees me joining the crowd and hesitates

"Don't you dare" she hears from her ear piece, Fran could feel her hatred boil up inside of her and ignored Jacob she walked over to the table close to me and picked up a glass and held it as she spoke

"Hello my- highness" she said

"Greetings, enjoying the food?" I asked

" it's exquisite" Fran said gritting her teeth

"Glad you think so" I replied grabbing a glass myself "Well have a nice evening" I say walking away but Fran grabs my arm I turn back confused

"Oh I will... your highness.... I want you to tell me something..." Fran says with her other hand slowly pulling her sword up that was attached to her back, suddenly Jacob purposely tips one of the tables over sending the food flying everyone looks over startled, I kick Fran away from me and run inside the castle which Fran quickly reacts and chases me inside the wind blowing her mask away from her face

"ITS THE ELLESMERE PRINCESS" people scream and run frantically crossing each other, the guards get stuck in the crowd as they try to follow us but it was too late...

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