Chapter 6- Trust?

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The Everlands was like a maze, we couldn't go too deep or we'd lose our way or maybe it would be better if we were just lost- forgotten.

Our horses had carried us the majority of the way through the trees, I didn't even recognise where we were anymore, the trees began to thicker as it became even harder to weave in and out of them and the branches above us were beginning to seal off any light from the sun.

The horses began to feel unsure about their surroundings as they started to slow down but we still hit the reins as hard as we could knowing that the guards could be gaining on us, suddenly my horse stumbled upon a tree stump and toppled over to its side, bringing Fran and her horse down with it.

We both hit our heads on the floor, Fran lays down on the floor defeated as she slowly lifts her head to see our horses running away

"Ugh" she groans dropping her head back to the floor, I managed to grab the reins that was trailing on the floor from my horse, I gripped onto it but got dragged into a tree while the horse sped off into the forest, I heard a chuckle come from Fran

"Are you seriously laughing at that?" I say looking at her "We have no means of travel now because of your reckless riding! What if the guards come? We're sitting ducks now thanks to you! And you even let the horses get away! You could have been a bit more competent" she replies

"Competent? Are you serious right now? Are you completely unaware that our kingdoms have just been stolen, turned into a tyranny because of you! And your telling me to be a bit more competent! You have to be kidding me!" I yelled standing up and brushing myself off

"Yeah I am" Fran yells back standing up "And don't you dare put the blame on me! If you hadn't burned my kingdom and murdered my people I wouldn't have had the desire to kill you" she said, without realizing we were now slowly pacing around each other in a circle

"You've always had it out for me since the day I was born! Since the day your father told you, you weren't worthy of ruling, well guess what! That's not my fault so why'd you have to take it out on me!" I yelled

"You don't get it and you'll never get it! All my father did was compare me to you and your riches, he always told me I couldn't rule cause he was afraid! And guess who gave him that fear! Oh, it was you!" Fran yelled

"What?" I asked stopping in my tracks

"Oh stop acting like you care! You've never cared! Even when it comes down to murdering my people to get leverage on me you never cared!"

"That's not true! I left you to do whatever you wanted to do in Ellesmere I couldn't give a damn about you until you shot that first arrow! Then you gave me something to endeavor!"

We both stopped for a moment catching our breaths from screaming at each other

"This is stupid" I finally say, walking away but suddenly a sword came flying sticking out the tree in front of me so I couldn't go any further

"Oh come on, I've been itching for a fight with you" Fran says, walking over to the sword and taking it from the tree smirking

"It doesn't have to be like this..." I say stepping back as Fran slowly steps towards me "Oh- it does"

I grab my bow and arrow from my back and fire one at Fran, Fran ducks and rolls over to her side gripping her sword as I fire another one and she cuts it in half, Fran starts darting towards me, I let go of my bow and arrow and slide it away from me, Fran aims it high above her but I slide out the way and grab her arm and with my other hand I hit the sword out of her grasp, I kick her making her tumble over as I pin her and hold the sword to her neck

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