Family Drama: Y/N's father and Luffy's grandfather are haunting them.

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Two Days Later

two days after the heroes safely return to Water Seven, Galley-La has begun fixing the damages to the city by the Aqua Laguna, while the Franky Family repairs their house.

While in Iceburg's office, the mayor and Franky are having a conversation where Iceburg reveals that he plans to turn Water 7 into a ship and float it out to sea, the cyborg at first thought it was crazy, but he remembered that their mentor, Tom, taught them that there are no limits to them, and that they can build anything, Franky then proceeds to fully support the project.

While in Iceburg's office, the mayor and Franky are having a conversation where Iceburg reveals that he plans to turn Water 7 into a ship and float it out to sea, the cyborg at first thought it was crazy, but he remembered that their mentor, Tom, ...

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Franky suddenly gets a call from Zambai, he tells Franky that the stuff he bought with the money stolen from the pirates has finally arrived, which got him excited.

thanks to Iceburg's kindness, the straw hats got a place to sleep, they were so exhausted from the battle at Enies Lobby that they slept for two days, except Y/N who got strange glimpses again.

these last two days, the pink haired boy finds himself with nightmares disturbing his sleep, he is already used to Sukuna interrupting his sleep just because he his bored, but this time he knows that Sukuna has nothing to do with it.

Y/N: stop! -  he mutters writhing in bed having another nightmare, a nightmare involving the same man who has been terrorizing him, he was sharing a room with Zoro, but the swordsman's sleep was so heavy that he didn't wake up with the murmurs of the boy next to him.

~Inside his dream~

the room was filled with the agonized cries of the little Y/N, who begged Doffy to stop hurting him, the heavenly demon is furious with him, stating that he helped Donquixote Corazon steal the Ope Ope no Mi, and if there's one thing Donquixote Doflamingo hates, it's being betrayed.

Doffy: where is Corazon and Law to save you from me, my little mouse? - he smiles grimly with one foot on the little boy's head - they're both are burning in hell, leaving you alone and defenseless, Fu-Fu-Fu! was it worth it to you? Now you have my full attention, my little mouse.

Y/N: p-please...stop... - the pink haired boy groans with tears in his eyes, wanting to forget them rather than remember the trauma of seeing Corazon dying right in front of him. - i'm so-sorry...Cora-san...Traffy...

Doffy: now you're sorry? you should apologize just for being born! your entire existence is just a burden to me! you're nothing but a failure! - he kicked him away, the boy tries to crawl away but is stopped by Doffy putting a foot on his back. - even at such a young age you've already shown yourself to be treacherous... and I hate betrayals, even more when it comes to someone from your own bloodline! dumb! dumb! dumb brat! how dare you... dare to betray me?! your own father!

Doffy steps on his own son multiple times as if he were a bug, punishing him, while the boy tries to protect himself.

Y/N: cora-san..said i'm perfect..the way i am...- he groaned closing his teary eyes, wishing he had died along with cora-san and Traffy.

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