Goodbye Vivi + Hello Nico Robin

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Igaram runs into the room holding the pirates' wanted posters but he finds only Vivi sitting at the window, accompanied by the Karoo.

Igaram: Vivi-sama? where did the pirates go? - he asks confused.

Vivi: they went back to the ocean, they have nothing else to do here. - she smiles gently at him.

Igaram: they left unaware of their reputation in society. - he shows the wanted posters to Vivi.

Vivi: knowing that would only make Luffy and Zoro happy, and Y/N is already used to running away from the navy... - she hurriedly pushes the man out of her room.

Igaram: but...

Vivi: I'm going to sleep now igaram-sama, tomorrow I have a speech to give to my people and I need to rest, good night! - she closed the door in his face and her expression turned sad.

Igaram: good night Vivi-sama! - she hears his voice from behind the door and the man leaves.

Flashback ON

one of the palace guards enters the room with a den den mushi for the pirates.

Nami: a den den mushi? but from who? - the navigator asks curious just like the others.

- from someone named bon chan.

Sanji: bon chan? do we know him?

- he said he's a friend of yours and wants to talk to the captain. - the guard hands over the dem den mushi and leaves the room.

Bon Chan: hello? hello? is anyone listening? it's me hahaha - they recognize Mr.2's voice.

Y/N: Isn't that the ballerina who ate the clone clone fruit?

Bon Chan: I'm grateful that my dear savior still remember me! - he squeals happily remembering when Y/N saved him from sinking into the sea.

Luffy: what do you want with us, Mr.2?

Bon chan: are you there straw hat? you are so strong, i was shocked! please don't call me mr. 2, if the navy hears this call I'll be in trouble!

Y/N: where are you?

Bon Chan: I stole your ship

-WHAT?! - everyone screams in unison.

Usopp: stop playing with us!

Bon Chan: I'm telling the truth, I'm protecting your ship! I thought we were friends!

Chopper: you literally worked with Crocodile and almost helped him steal this country!

Bon Chan: don't hold a grudge against me, i had my reasons, well.. if you want your ship back come meet me on the sandora river, bye! - he ended the call.

Zoro: I do not trust him.

Luffy: he's been our friend before, he doesn't seem to be a bad person, we don't have any choice.

Y/N: we have to do what he said, if he has our ship then we have to go to sandora river.

Sanji: if he tries something we finish him off!

Vivi watched the pirates talk about leaving Alabasta and sighed, she knew this moment would come.

Vivi: guys... what should I do now?

Nami: listen Vivi, we'll give you twelve hours to make a decision, after we catch our ship on the sandora river, we're going through the east port, after that i don't know if we can keep waiting.

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