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Wow, so..... this is embarrassing. I've basically blipped off the grid for like,,,, eons now with my last updates being like "oh I've got the next chapter written up, I'll have it typed up and posted within the next couple of days!!"

......yikes haha

Anyway, hi, all. Thanks to those of you who have stuck around through the tumble weeds lazily blowing across the ghost town that is my profile as of late 😭

Thought I'd hop on and give some life updates, as well as some info about the futures and updates for my works, as well.

Since I last updated, I had green hair and had some issues, but nothing close to what they are, now. (I'll include some recent pics and things at the end).

Boy where do I even begin.

Okay, I'll start at the beginning of my sophomore year. So, August of 2022. Gosh that's crazy to think it's been only not even a year yet feels like it's been like 5. Anyway, yeah, we'll start back in August of last year.

On second thought, let me back and start a bit before that in the summer of 2022. Essentially my mom encouraged me to look into getting diagnosed in order to help me better understand my mental health as well as have access to better resources to cope with my mental issues and so on. I'm extremely thankful and lucky I had the privilege to be able to get diagnosed, as I know so many people don't have that luxury.

Anyway, I went, met with a psychologist for a "therapy" type meeting, then went back and met with an actual psychiatrist who was able to do some tests and talk further with me. He determined that I had clinical depression, general anxiety disorder, social phobia, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). I was put on meds to help with the ADHD and anxiety, starting with a low-dose, natural medicine that wasn't a controlled substance and would be easier to get than like Adderall or Ritalin. So that's some context for some stuff that happens later, that way it makes more sense.

At the beginning of the semester, my aunt who I'm staying with and who's like my second mom, told us that the floorboard were squishy and that wasn't normal. She and my uncle were working day and night to try to find out what was happening, when eventually it became apparent that a water line had burst somewhere in the house and the water had leaked up under part of the floor.

They eventually found the faulty pipe, but by that time we had also learned that the entire floor was going to have to be ripped out due to water damage.

A day before school started, my uncle never came home after leaving for the day.

The pit in my stomach was insane, yall. Literally couldn't eat, sleep, drink, focus, anything. I was worried like crazy because I didn't know what was going on; no one would tell me anything.

While this is happening, we are told we are going to be moving out and into an Air B&B in a week because the water damage extended to 3 feet up the walls on the ground floor and they were going to have to completely gut basically the entire downstairs floor and replace everything.

A couple of days go by, and I am then told that I couldn't take my dog with me, because instead of a small house the insurance company promised us, we would be staying at a nearby hotel for a couple of days until they COULD find a home.

A couple of days into moving my life into the small living area of a hotel room, I was told we would be living there for 6 weeks.

We ended up staying indefinitely.

For about 9 weeks, I was living out of my car and the living area of a hotel room. I can't count the number of times I have stepped out of the elevator onto my floor and was just hit by a palpable wall of weed smoke. The room always smelled like marijuana, and soon all of my clothes constantly smelled like weed. I didn't get much sleep while I was there; the constant music from upstairs coupled with the constant lights from the police brigades in the parking lot made sure of that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ⏰

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