Chapter 5

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Everything was dark. And silent. No matter how much I blinked or looked around, I couldn't see anything at all. It was as if I as floating in an endless, black abyss. I could feel the panic and hysteria quickly creeping in.

I tried to move, but was paralyzed. My body was limp and numb. I couldn't do anything. And that freaked me out quite a bit.

I called Logan's name, but no sound escaped my mouth. I was starting to hyperventilate.

I awoke from my weird state of unconsciousness gasping for air and blinking in confusion.

"Good. You're awake."

I looked up to find a girl standing over me. She had purple skin, one slender horn on the left side of her skull, and half of one on the other side. She flicked her waist-length, hot pink and orange waves over her shoulder. I just stared.

"Well, don't just sit there. Get up."

I did as I was told, seeing Logan sprawled next to me and rubbing his head tenderly.

"Who are you?" I asked the girl, a little stunned due to the fall and also due to the fact that she was actually kinda hot.

She crossed her arms moodily. "Name's Circe. You?" She spoke with a thick Brooklyn accent, and was glancing at me in what looked to be disappointment.

"Ean (Y/L/N)."

She arched an eyebrow. "(Y/L/N)? Well, not the (Y/L/N) I was aiming for, but I guess you'll do," she told me flippantly with a wave of her hand.

"Wait, you brought us here?" Logan asked, brushing himself off and coming to stand beside me.

She nodded. "Yeah. I did."

"So..... what are you? And where are we??" I asked, looking at the dirty, pale city around me.

"I," she replied, spreading her arms wide, "am a demon. And welcome to hell. Well, sort of. You're in the Netherworld, now."

Logan and I exchanged a worried glance.

"Are we...."

"Dead? No."

She motioned for us to follow her, and I mean, we had no choice but to obey.

"This," she said, motioning to the dilapidated, crumbling buildings and murky grey/purple/red sky, "is where people go when they die. We call them the recently deceased, but when you breathers see them on the surface, you call them phantoms or ghosts."

"Wait, breathers?" Logan said in confusion.

Circe sighed and rolled her eyes. "Alive people."

"So, you're dead?" I asked her, prying my eyes away from the way she was sassily swaying her hips.

Logan leaned over to me. "Now that's what I call sexy," he whispered.

I tried to keep a straight face, but it was hard.

Circe spoke up to answer my question, snapping Logan and me out of our little trance.

"Technically, yes. I never actually died, though. I was born here."

I nodded. "I'm still kind of trying to process the fact that ghosts and all these things are real."

Circe looked at me and arched an eyebrow. "Your mom never told you?"

My brow furrowed as I met her gaze. "My mom? She never told me what?"

As we were about to walk around the corner of a building, the demon stopped Logan and me in our tracks.

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