Chapter 22

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                                   Sasuke's pov

I head inside my house after releasing a sigh of relaxation,it was a long night and I didn't like any part of it. I check the time and I see that it's already 12:30,I should have escaped that place sooner. I head towards Naruto's room but before I could go in I see light coming out of the room from the little space under the door. I open the door only to see naruto wearing his pajama shirt and his underwear

"Who is....."he starts while quickly pulling the sheets and covering himself while turning towards the entrance"there?"his face quickly becomes red as he finishes his question"oh you're still awake""you?! Knock before going inside someone's room!!"he yells while grabbing his pajama trouser and wearing it with his face still flushed"why are you being all shy I think I've seen enough already about you"I say while going inside the room,I leave my jacket on the near by chair and remove my tie

"It doesn't matter just don't do it again......"he's so adorable"why are you still up?""I.....was watching a movie with Lola and then we started playing games....she left 30minutes ago though,I just wasn't sleepy "he says while releasing a sigh,he stares at my right cheek then turns towards his bed

"Don't you have your own room,why are you here this late hour?"he questions with a change of attitude"I want to sleep here""I don't want you to sleep here!!"he yells while turning to me,I see him frown and he releases a tch, the hell is wrong with him? He turns to his bed again and grabs the sheets"please go back to your room"why's he behaving so coldly to me now,is something wrong with my face? I turn towards the tall mirror which is basically part of the wall,I turn to my left and I see nothing I turn to my right......fuck,I see pink lipstick marks on my cheek...

When I was dropping Sakura she did place her lips on my cheeks,why did she use this lipstick?,most of the lipsticks she uses don't leave marks....wait does-"does it bother you?"I see him freeze on the mirror"what?"he questions while turning to me"the mark does it bother you?"I question while going towards him

"That time too, when you were acting like that was it because you found out that I slept with them?(chapter 15)"I question while grabbing his arm and pulling him closer to me"w-why would it? Whatever you do doesn't matter to me""ooh?""stop talking no-sense and leave, I'm very tired right now"he says while turning his face away from me and pushing me a little,I stare at him before releasing a sigh

"It's already late, let's just sleep"I say while letting him go, somehow the feeling of wanting to know whether he was bothered....makes me kinda.... happy.

                               Naruto's pov

I'm now in sasuke's office, looking at the pile of files with a frown on my face. Since he forced me to stop working at hinata's bookshop he decided to give me work at his company,not normal work because I "don't have the qualification" but a kind of work were I need to set files of different people in their alphabetical order and older to youngest....

Like what is the point?! And it doesn't help that there are alot of files, mountains and mountains and I've to do this.

I look at the teme who's busy looking all sexy while typing on his laptop,last time I was here I didn't get to see him work-I didn't even know he would work,I thought he was one of those rich snobs who leave their works to others cause no one can question their authority but no....he does put his heart into it....

Does it bother you?

Memories of yesterday rush into my head, the moment he I asked me that question....I can still remember how fast my heart pounded inside me,it was like he stripped me naked for everyone to see.....I actually don't know how I felt, seeing that mark on his just....I didn't like it-gosh what am I even talking about he has a fiancee he'll soon get married, whatever they did behind closed doors it doesn't concern me all I have to do is get the money from him and pay bee back then that's the....end of things.....we weren't supposed to meet anyways.

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