Chapter 27

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                          Naruto's pov

"Good morning Naruto""morning Karin,you look happy today""I can't help it,I just woke up feeling happy today""wow good for you""I feel like you're being sarcastic""I'm not"she rolls her eyes and then gives me two cups of coffee"the other one for you and give the other one to Mr Uchiha""thank you, you're really in a good mood today huh,you don't get me coffee""just be grateful you little brat""yeah yeah,well see ya"I start to go towards Sasuke's office and some of my coworkers greet me, since I started working here, I've some friends,I know some of the employees don't like me cause out of nowhere an omega started working in there boss's office and's not like I'm doing anything sensible here but hey it's not like have those good morals were I have to leave this place cause someone is feeling displeased with my presence,yeah nah, but it's.....kinda nice living like a normal person.... knowing that even having one job you're still gonna receive the right amount of money to sustain yourself...... it's really nice.

"Excuse me"I say while going inside the office"you're late""I'm not"I say while going towards his desk"I know you're late""then it's not my fault cause Karin stopped me inorder to pass this to you"I say while giving him the coffee"how long was the conversation""I don't know,who keeps tracks of something like that"I say while going to my desk"well since you are late, then more work for you"he says while smiling, creepy"that's not fair! Even if I was late, it's only like 2minutes""you're still late""ugh you bastard!"I shout while sitting down and I hear him release a chuckle.

~Lunch time~

"Stop that and come and eat,the food I ordered has arrived"Sasuke says while leaving his desk and sitting on the couch "really?""I can just throw it away you know""no no I'm coming, don't waste food, it's not good"I say while going towards him and I sit on the opposite couch,I unpack the food and take my part and start eating,I look at Sasuke only to see him staring at me"what? Why aren't you eating""non of your business just eat""rude, don't blame me I if finish every last drop ok?!"he release a chuckle"hamster""what,did just call me a hamster"he rolls his eyes"you are so annoying"he says while standing up"well sorry for getting offended"I say being all sarcastic, he's such a bastard.

The rest of the day was spent with me doing all the paperwork I was assigned to and Sasuke going from one meeting to another,the time right now is around past 6, the time I get off at work has already passed because of the extra work that bastard gave me. I place the papers on my desk in order and I grab my bag ready to leave"are you gonna come today?"I ask Sasuke"yeah""well see you later then"I say while going towards the door but it suddenly opens"sir it's time for the meeting"Karin says"right"Sasuke says while standing up from his chair and fixing his suit, he told not to wait for him cause he's gonna be late.

I reach the parking lot and I see the man who drives me everywhere I go this days "hi Mr driver"I say while going towards the car"oh hello sir"he says while trying to open the door for me"no I'll do it"I open the door and go inside and he does the same"let's go, I'm so tired today""the work was very tiring today wasn't it?"he says while releasing a chuckle"extra tiring,I know I don't do much but still I get tired"I whine"don't worry I'll drive as fast as I can sir"we reach the building where Sasuke's penthouse is,I wave my goodbyes to the man and I head inside"I need to eat first then I've to bath and then I'm gonna cook dinner"I say while opening the door and quickly going inside,I  place my bag on the chair then I head to the kitchen"where are my noodles"I say while opening the drawers"found them"I place them In a bowl and pour some water and then put them in the microwave.

I take my phone just to keep me busy while waiting for the noodles,after a while I hear the ding sound signaling that it's done and I quickly remove them from the microwave. After eating I head to the bathroom and remove my cloths ready to bath,I turn on the shower and I do my thing. I get dressed and I take the small towel and start wiping my hair,I head to the living room and turn on the tv,the time is around past 9 and Sasuke is still not here. As I'm about to sit down I hear the ding dong sound and I look at the door "speak of the devil..... and the devil appears, what's up with him? He can just come in"I hear it again"come in"but only silence answers me"ok I'm coming"I say while going towards the door and I open it"you know you could have just come in-"I stop after seeing the people standing outside.

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