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The air between us was filled with silence.
I was fidgeting with my hair trying to pass the time and mainly to ignore Choi Yong Do.

"Are you lonely ?" Choi Yong Do asked.

His query was making me have traumatic flashbacks of my life. I have pretty bad abandonment issues. I need a therapist but it is too expensive. So whenever something bad happens to me I say to myself so what.

The waiter came in with food which broke the awkward silence between us.

" Let's cheer." I chirped holding a bottle of soju in my hands. He beamed at me. That smile of him felt genuine.

" Wow you can smile

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" Wow you can smile. That is easy. I thought the boys in Hybe did not have a mouth to smile." I teasingly told him. I strangely felt comfortable with him seeing a smile plastered on his face. The tension in air eased.

" I am not that of a bad guy you know unless somebody messes with me. I get what I want in life y/n and if somebody tries to snatch that thing away from me then I turn into a thug." He warned me like I was that thing. I cannot be his price. His price was of giving misery to Jungkook.

" That is called being over possessive but do you know the thing you want the most in life never become yours. God takes that away and you have to make peace with that." I am a firm believer in god.
You just have to know that what ever happens, happens for greater purpose in the bigger picture of life. His eyes fell on the chain dangling around my neck. This was gifted to me by a priest.

I gulped the alcohol in one go. I have still not make peace with the fact that I do not have a happy family.

"Then you do not have the courage to snatch that thing away from god." He swigged the bottle of soju.

The burning sensation of alcohol made me cough.
"You cannot over smart god Choi Yong Do." I stated being offended by him.

" You can over-smart humans which are creatures of god." He shrewdly told me. I sighed , what a witty person I cannot oversmart him.

We had around five to seven shorts till now. I was started to get drunk. He was perfectly sober.

I should have not drunk with a stranger. I face palmed myself hitting my forehead hard.

" I think so you should stop drinking. You have to be at job tomorrow ,Y/n." He was entertained by my antics as if I was a clown trying to entertain him in a circus. He took the bottle of soju away from me.

I was frustrated at him.

" Now tell me about your views on God. You do not have any peace in life I assume since you bully others and beat the shit out of others. Am I right ?"
The twinkle in his eyes which he had for long was started to fade away.

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