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Y/N's POV:
When I got home, I got in the shower. I guess a part of me hoped that the voices in my head would go away if I relaxed myself.

"Do not trust him"
"He is to blame"
"Run away while you still can"

But it didn't work, it never did.

"These voices are getting annoying" I thought to myself, I was starting to get a headache and I didn't even know what they were trying to say.

I was finished my shower, I grabbed my towel and firmly wrapped it around my body making sure there was no exposed spots of my naked body.

Why? I'm not sure, I feel like I am being watched for some reason.

I walk into my bedroom and quickly changed into my F/C pyjamas. I was alone, but it felt like someone was watching me change clothing... gross

I hop into my lovely bed and slept for the night.

???'s POV:

I watch her through the window, and I had seen what I needed to. She will be perfect for the next experiment.

I grab my knife and slowly creeped into her bedroom, where she was sleeping so soundly.

"Sorry love, it's only going to hurt a lot..."

I suddenly looked at her sleeping body, she was very beautiful. What was I saying? I barely know this girl!

I sigh and take the knife away from her pretty little neck.

"Maybe not tonight..."

Next Day at 4:01pm

Y/N'a POV:
"Lovely" I sarcastically blurted out. My fucking car broke down and I have work tomorrow, What the heck god?!

Suddenly, something appeared in front of me. A small little girl with pigtails, she had jet black hair with adorable yet strange yellow eyes. Her outfit matches her eyes and hair, yet I couldn't complement it with her clothes and hair laced with blood and that scar on her neck.

"I want to propose a deal."

Is It a Crime to Love? (William Afton x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now