An ending (1/3)

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Y/N's Pov


"We are over..."
I say it and I looks mean it like I do, William is crying and begging me to stay with him. But like hell I will, he killed a kid!

"Y/N... please no! Don't do this please!"
William begged, but it was already too late. I lost feelings for him and I don't think I will gain them again.

I walk out of that pizzeria, not telling the police but keeping my distance. I look at my phone, which had William's number on it.


T H I S    N U M B E R   H A S    B E E N     D E L E T E D

And with that, I probably broke his heart with that one push. But I was done, I knew what he was but didn't listen...

"I'm glad you came to your senses!" Cassidy cheered for the first time since I met her, I can't tell the amount of hatred and remorse I feel for this girl.

"Just leave me alone Cass... I broke his heart yes... but broke my own in process."

"That's a bit rude don't you think!"
She snarled, returning to her previous personality.

"Don't tell me you still love him!" Cassidy looked at me like I just killed her like what he did.

"Y/N sometimes I will never understand you, but maybe he will."
Cassidy steps aside and shows me someone who I never thought I would see, it was the victim of the bite of 83! William Afton's son! 82!2);83$! Afton!

"Hello Y/N... Call me CC please..." CC asked politely, he was definitely different from Cassidy by a long shot.

Nobody's POV

William's canon events happened and the FNaF lore went by normally with no changes to it. Y/N lived a happy life as a single queen even if she missed William a bit.

ENDING 1 (normal ending)

Is It a Crime to Love? (William Afton x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now