A deal

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"Y/N L/N, I want to propose a deal"

I look into the child's eyes in shock, what does this blood-soaked child want? A sacrifice? A human finger? My soul?

"I want you to break someone..." the child then floats to my level and shows me a photo.

" the child then floats to my level and shows me a photo

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(Art is not mine.)

"All you need to do, is break him," She paused and looked down. "Just like how he broke me."

He... broke her? How? What does she mean? The little girl broke my thoughts when she growled.

"He killed me, but I don't want him dead... I want revenge"

Suddenly she disappeared and my car started working again. So I drove to work and had to explain to my client why I was 15 minutes late for work.

After work I go inside the car and start it to be greeted by Billie Jean by Michael Jackson on the radio.

"Seriously? MJ?"

I look in the back seat to see two spirits in there, smiling. My face turned pale as the two vengeful spirits started speaking.

"Y/N L/N, if you take our deal we will save you from your fate..." the yellow spirit promised. A spiritual kid with short brown hair with matching brown eyes pleaded,
"Daddy always liked you as a daughter, I don't want you to loose your life."

"Charlie?!" I stop my car on the side of the road to catch my breath. I couldn't believe this... William killed these children, including his best friend's daughter!

"What would happen if I refuse?" I asked still with disbelief that William would kill these children.

"Easy," the little girl with pigtails smirked "We will haunt your dreams forever."

"Can I have more time to decide? I really don't know if this is right..." I ask the little girls with pleading eyes.

"You can have three days to choose, then one year to break his heart."
"Do your best aunt Y/N! I know you can do it!" Suddenly, just like how they appeared they left without a trace.

I head to Freddy's to see William as I promised to meet up with him today, but I can't seem to get what happened today out of my mind...

When I reach the building, I was hesitant to walk inside however I was able to push through it. I ordered a (any topping) (any size) with (any drink) and sat down waiting for William, a few minutes later someone tapped my shoulder lightly.

"Are you okay love?" William asked me with curious eyes.

"I'm fine..." I didn't want to tell him I knew he was a child killer! If I did, I would be dead right when I said it.

William and I talked to each other for a while and I swear to god, he was such a charm.

When we walked out my best friend Eleanor walked up to us, with a smile on her face. (I'm not making William's ex mean, nobody should be jealous of an ex being with someone new.)

"Hi Y/N! I see you met my ex-husband." She looks at me and William and her face turns to William.

"I was here to pick up the kids, where are they?" She asked.

I was still shocked that this is my BEST FRIEND'S EX, how come I've never seen them together?

I then remembered how my Eleanor told me about William and how he was her high school sweetheart. She always referred to him as sweetheart or husband, I have asked for his name or to meet him but she told me that it wasn't the right time yet.

William told her that it was still his turn to keep the kids and that she gets them tomorrow.

"So I guess this isn't the right time?" I giggled as Eleanor's face turned red and she stormed off.

It was 7:47PM when I got home, I sat on my F/C bed and changed into my F/A (favourite animal) pyjamas... it was beginning to become an obsession to be honest.

"Have you made your choice yet?" Asked the impatient spirit.

"I guess I might as well do it, he's my best friend's ex and a child murderer so I guess you got yourself a deal my dead friend."

"Alright then Y/N, all you have to do is make him fall for you in a year and break his heart when ready." the spirit then calmed her voice "I never told you my name did I? It's Cassidy."

A/N: 780 WORDS!!!! I AM FINALLY DONE. Sorry for the late chapter, I was really busy and still am.

Is It a Crime to Love? (William Afton x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now