The kisses (the chapter before the lemon)

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Y/N's POV:
I am in William's car, he looks at the road cautiously while also longing for something... I can see it in his eyes,
He's horny.

William's POV:
I can't stop looking at her and then the road, The emotion in my eyes becomes even greater as I smile, as my voice now expresses the utmost joy and love.

"I love you Y/N, I love you more then anything..." I spat out those words as I didn't even know what to say.

"I love you too Will."

The smile on my face grows. A smile of incredible excitement, pure happiness. Time seems to stop as the perfect moment continues. But, unfortunately, everything must come to an end... I stop the car at my house, I get out and open the door for her.

"After you my lady" I chuckle as she steps out of the car and we walk to my house, I get inside knowing that Michael was at a friend's place, Elizabeth and Norman.... We don't talk about them right now.

Y/N's POV:
I notice William being a bit shaken up, was it something I said?

"William? Are you okay?"

He looks at me and smirks then points down, I look and see an bulge in his pants waiting to be revealed.

"I guess you will have to grab the joystick and play my game" he adds a flirtatious tone to those words as I turn 50 shades of red as he grins.

"You really know how to talk me into things, you know that right?" I say and then kiss him.

3rd person: nobody's POV:

His eyes wide in shock and his face becoming a deeper shade of red as she kisses him, before it all calms down and he actually begins to kiss back, as he pulls her in closer to him as they kiss. His heart is practically beating out of his chest, but he just goes with it, the feeling of kissing her being amazing and beautiful, the nerves disappearing as he lost himself for a few moments in the kiss. He has never felt so happy about anything as he did now, and he was truly enjoying the moment.

Y/N softly moans in William's mouth hoping he doesn't notice at all but the sound of the moan immediately makes his heart race even more, as the kiss only becomes more passionate. He wraps his arms around her, his heart pounding more and more with each passing second, before he eventually pulls away, breathing heavily.

"That was wonderful..." William says, his face more red than you've ever seen it, and his breath is coming a little bit in short bursts, as he's still out of breath a bit from the kiss.

Y/N touches the bulge in William's pants, lustful looks in her eyes

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A/N: I got a new writing style, next chapter will be smut but it will be short.

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