The harsh reality

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Y/N's POV:

After William fell asleep, I cleaned everything from tonight up. Including the blood from my lady parts when he took my V-card.

"Don't you remember our deal?"

I shiver as I remember who's voice that belonged to, it was Cassidy... and she wanted to continue the deal.

"William is ment to be broken not pleasured! What are you doing?!" The vengeful spirit roared, I was helpless as I put my clothes on and continued cleaning up.

"Cass... I'm confused, I don't know if I love him or if I'm being played."

"He doesn't love you, he's only using you to get further in life and make his son happy!" She roars as her yellow and black outfit don't seem to stand out as her eyes turn red with fury.

I cry as she says these words, Cassidy was probably right. But how would he have known what I was trying to do?

William was asleep and probably didn't hear the conversation between me and Cassidy. I hear him snoring and my doubts instantly evaporated.

"Cassidy, I think he truly loves me." I say that with my mind, not my heart. I remember what I must do, even though I just slept with the man I still knew he was a child murderer.

"Then you don't love him! He's our enemy!" Cassidy reassured me that I did not love him at all, but something in my heart felt hurt by this.

Next Day
William's POV:
I wake up with Y/N sleeping peacefully right next to me, memories of last night flood in my head.

"Damn it... why did I not notice..."


And that's where the chapter ends

Is It a Crime to Love? (William Afton x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now