Book 2 chapter 9

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(Wendy's pov)

I open my eyes slowly, my eyes closing and opening again from the pain in my head. After five minutes I finally open my eyes and look around. My ankels and wrists are tied to a metal pole with ropes.

Next to me Quinn and Luna are tied in the same way but both of them are awake. Luna has shirt rolled up into a ball stuffed inside her mouth. She's clearly trying to speak by the mumbled words trying to leave her mouth.

I can hear a phone ring in the end of the room. A hoarse and dark voice speaks into the phone when it stops ringing.

"You have two days to give me 1 million dollars in my hand or the heads of your daughters and their friend fall to the ground" The man speaks.

I let a quiet sob roll off my lips at the words the man has just spoken. I don't want to die. I don't want my best friend to die and I don't want my girlfriend to die.

The man let's out a sound of displeasure at the words spoken into the phone from the other end. I look at Luna and Quinn. Quinn is fumbling for my hand and I grab it hastily. Both of us sharing looks of fear and despair.

Luna on the other hand looks angry and scared. She's trying to get her hands out of the ropes and trying to spit the shirt out of her mouth.

She mumbles a sentence I can kinda understand. "I'm nmh gonna be locked mmhm here forever" or something like that.

I understand her anger and fear and luckily for me I'm not gagged. So I look through the fear in my heart and speak up.

"Listen here asshole, you can't keep us here forever" I say and grit my teeth.

The man looks around at me with chok. "I guess I need to shut you up as well" he says and walks closer to me.
"You can do as you please, but I just have to make something clear" I say and glare at him.
"You just do that little lady" He says mockingly.

"Listen here motherfucker, you may have trapped all of us here in who knows where but you won't get through with this, even if I have to die for you to get your karma I'm gonna get my revenge on you and it's gonna be ten times worse than this I promise you, you may be bigger than me but I'm not scared of you at all" I spit and glare at him.

He looks choked but then he switches to anger. He squats infront of me and grabs my throat he holds tightly so I can't breathe at all. I gasp and try to fight him for air but only when my body stops moving he lets go.

"Hey! You can't touch my girlfriend like that! Only I can touch my girlfriend like that" Quinn says loudly and kicks him as hard as she can.

He falls onto his back and quickly sits up.
Somehow Luna has gotten out of her ropes and walks up to him. She grabs the ropes she just got trapped and tied up with.

"You apologize to Quinn for touching her girlfriend" She says calmly and when he refuses she ties the rope around his neck.

Before any of us can do anything something hits the man in the side of the head and flies onto the ground.

The man falls to the ground completely now and Luna lets go of him. She grabs the thing that hit the man in the head and turns to me.

"It's a bullet, specifically a silver bullet, and there's only one person who has those" Luna says.
"Father" She announces.

Behind her the door opens. Luna walks over and removes the ropes. She grabs me and hands my body to Quinn who carries me out of the room.

When we go outside the door mother and father are waiting for us. They glare angrily at us.

"It's past 4am" Dream says and raises his eyebrows in anger. "I-I'm sorry dad" I say and a tear rolls down my cheek. "It's okay, but your all grounded for a month." Dream says sternly. "Yes please" Luna says and runs along.

-time skip-

When we're all in the car I look to Luna.
"How did you get out of the ropes?" I ask. "It's easy, long nails" she says and laughs. "Oh yeah, that's smart" Quinn says and laughs.

Short chapter but important one.

774 words.

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