Book 2 chapter 14

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Thank you to Dsmpfan_xd for the new cover to the book. It's greatly appreciated.

(George's pov)

"Get into the car kids, we're leaving in 10 minutes" Dream yells from the kitchen.

I sit up from my bed and yawn. I remove the blanket that's laying over my lap. Then I walk over and put on my clothes. Once I've put on my clothes Dream comes into the room.

"You do know we're going to the beach for the whole day right?" He asks and laughs. "Wait what?" I ask with confusion. "Love you legit planed this" Dream says and stands behind me.

He puts his head in the crook of my neck and puts his hands on my waist.

"Ooh yeah, that's right we're going to the beach, I totally forgot" I say and laugh. "Of course you did" Dream says and laughs.

"Wendy for gods sake stop eating my cereal! It's mine! Me and Dad drive an hour to get that kind!" Luna exclaims in the kitchen. "I'm sorry but it's so good! I cant help it!" Wendy exclaims back. "That's why you can't eat it! Because it's so good" Luna says and sighs. "Fine you can have it" Luna says. "Wow thank you" Wendy says and laughs gently.

"You should probably get changed into swim clothes" Dream says and lets go of me. "Your right, get out of here then" I say and point to the door. "Sure love, don't take too long, we're leaving in ten minutes" Dream says and walks out of the room.

I change into a pair of gray swim shorts and a white shirt.

Once I'm done changing I grab a bag from my closet and put some stuff like sunscreen into it. Then I grab my phone and put it into my bag aswell.

I walk down the stairs. Wendy and Luna are watching something on Quinn's phone and their all laughing their asses of. Timmy is sitting on his iPad and with his bag beside him. Dream is on his phone aswell looking confused at it.

I walk up to him and watch his phone. "What's wrong?" I ask and he quickly turn his phone off. "It's about the gift I'm getting you, there's apparently an issue with it" Dream says and boops my nose. I gasp dramatically and grab his phone out of his hand. He immediately grabs my wrist and takes it back.

I try to grab the phone again but he just holds my wrist tightly so I can't even move it. I brush furiously as the man infront of me holds tightly onto my wrist.

"Mama by the way, I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow and getting an ear piercing the day after" Luna says from the table not even looking at me. "H-how are you getting it cut?" I ask.

Dream is holding eye contact with me very sternly as he holds my wrist not letting go of me. I try to hold the eye contact but am unable to after a few minutes which only makes Dream smirk.

"Mama for gods sake, just let him hit and get over it, Jesus these people" Luna says and sighs. "Luna what the fuck?" I ask and turn to her. "But I'm getting a wolfcut, and an inner ear piercing" Luna says and laughs. "Can we go yet? Like it's been ten minutes now" Luna says and stands up. She grabs Quinn and Wendy and walks to the car.

Timmy follows Luna quietly and grabs his bag when he's almost forgotten it. Then he walks into the car.

Dream quickly lets go of me and grabs my hand instead. He quickly pulls me into the car. Then he walks to the drivers seat and turns on the car.

The next thirty minutes are spent by driving. Luna, Quinn and Wendy are yelling with a song. Dream is driving and holding my hand tightly. I'm looking at my phone trying not to make it too obvious I'm eyeing Dream. And Timmy is playing Minecraft on his ipad with headphones on. So all in all a pretty good time.

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