Chapter 5

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They all walk in the house with a eerie feeling.

The bench trio all came up with a plan to scare Bill. They told Aimsey what they would do, whispering.

They continued to play the normally we check what the ghost could be Ranboo got fingerprints so they all checked that off. 

Tubbo soon found a Haunted mirror he clicked every way possible but then had die he had uses the mirror wrong, "Guysss I diedddd-."     I just wanted to scare Bill with random noises but oh well. Guess I can annoy all of them now.

Tommy face palming, "Oh tubboo.."

Aimsey the one actually trying to figure out the ghost type so they can sleep. Aimsey felt something fall it was probably Tubbo so they didn't worry but told the rest that's alive, "Guys Tubbo knocked over something near me."

Tommy questioning, "Look at Tubbo's device he isn't near you?"

Aimsey realizing, "Oh it was the ghost! Ran what do you think this could be?" Ranboo didn't respond for a few seconds then talks, "Hmm it could be Banshee, Hantu, Demon, Phantom, Poltergeist just naming a few narrowing it down."

Then the hunt started everyone stopped talking but Bill. So the ghost went Bill killing they all knew that by Bill screaming. Then the hunt stopped.

Ranboo and Tommy said in disappointment, "WE DIDN'T GET TO SCARE BILLLL!!"

Bill looking at the two that had spoken, "YOU FUCKERS TRIED TO SCARE ME?!" Then bill jumps on the two tackling them.

Tubbo then alerted Bill by knocking over a cup near Tommy in game, "TUBBO NO TIME FOR THAT NOW I'M TRYING TO FIGHT THESES TWO OVER HERE."

Tubbo just shrugged.

Bill says going to fake attack Tubbo, "DON'T JUST SHRUG NOW I'M COMING FOR YOU."

Aimsey then stop them by talking, "I GOT GHOST WRITING! CHECK IT OFF!" The alive ones check them off in their journals.

Ranboo says, "Guys we should go back to the van to check our sanity."

They all followed Ranboo back to the van. Ranboo at 30%, Tommy 43%, Aimsey at 58%.

Tommy suggests that they should take the pills on the side of the van. They all eat the pills putting their sanity at 100%. They head back into the house. Ranboo tells the alive, "We should check if this is a poltergeist cause we have two of the checks for poltergeist."

Aimsey gets out a spirit box and turns it on to hear white noise at first. Aimsey starts to ask questions to the ghost, "Are you in this room?" "Should we stay? Should we leave?"

The ghost responds to the first questions positively no answer for the others.


The alive 3 check mark the spirit box and circle the poltergeist. They run to the van happily. Tommy press the button to close the van door. They all get spawn to the main lobby they all look at the board looking at their money go up and saying they got the ghost type right.

They all stop the game. Everyone looks at each other tubbo asleep on the floor, Aimsey falling asleep also on the floor yawning, Bill heading out of the room to get a snack for the 3 awake. Billzo gets stopped by Freddie awake making food in the kitchen, now talking to each other.

Ranboo and Tommy are left awake in the room not talking to each other.. Awkward.. Tommy decides to talk first scratching the back of his raccoon onesie, "So how's your wounds now?? Do they look better?"

Ranboo realized that Tom was talking to them, "Oh sorry I thought you were talking to someone else..-"

Tommy laughing quietly trying not to wake the 2 on the floor, "Who else would I be talking to?? THE FUCKING WALL??"

Ranboo joins in with the laughter smiling, "I don't know?? Anyway I haven't checked them yet since I got on the onesie-!" "Well let's check but not here just to make sure we don't wake those two."

Ranboo and Tommy walks out the room stepping quietly near the asleep shutting the door. The duo now in a situation they don't know where to check until Freddie waved at them signaling them to come over too Bill and him.

The duo go over to the two in the kitchen admittedly smelt Freddie's cooking everyone knew he was a good cook, everyone went to Freddie for cooking if something went wrong. Tommy asks what he made.

 Freddie answered, "I made chicken alfredo. I wanted to try something new for once!" Ranboo joins in, "Your cooking smell good like always!"

Freddie smiled at the complement, "Thank you Ranboo should we tr-"

Freddie got cut off by Tommy already eating it. Tommy talked with his mouth full, "THIS IS AMAZINGG!" Then began to eat another bite.

Ranboo laughs, "Guessing someone already loves the food." Ranboo takes a plate, utensils, a napkin, and lastly the food.

Freddie grabbed everything for Bill and him to eat. Then the four heard russling coming from the living room. It was Purpled getting up stretching, rubbing his eyes, and yawning. He walks over to the kitchen smelling food.

Purpled began to talk, "Hey everyone why are you four still awake it's 3 in the morning. I only got up because I smelt food."

Bill answer the question, "Me, Ran, and Tom just finished the game and head out of the room to the kitchen to see Freddie cooking." After Billzo stopped talk he ate some food on his plate.

Purpled happy he got the answer and took some food for himself. The five continued to chat until they finished their food. Freddie put plastic wrap on the dish and put it in the fridge. Purpled went back to bed, so did Freddie, Bill went on his phone and grabbed water.

That was left with the duo. The duo decided they could look at the wounds in the bathroom to see if they are healing.


(984 words)

I love this book sm rn

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