Chapter 8

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Ranboo says to the two, "Okay I text them they should be here in a minute." The trio walk outside of the coffee shop throwing their cups in the trash now wait for the partners to leave the shop. They soon get out closing the shop for now.

When the two got out Ranboo had a odd feeling they were being watched. They saw for a quick second a figure of a person and the figure got bigger until they came up to them.

 It was Dream.. The famous hunter..

Dream speaks to the five of them pulling out a poster of an enderman. "Hello everyone, sorry to disturb you five but have you seen this enderman?" He shows the photo to them.

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(pretend they don't see the writing I forgot to erase it yes, yes I did copy the other drawing and gave them new clothes also forget they/them its he/they now!)

Four of them look at each other knowing that's their friend. Ranboo hugs Tommy hoping that Dream doesn't  recognize the two of them. Aimsey then speaks, "No, no we haven't sorry."

Dream believes them, "Okay then have a wonderful day." Dream bowing and leaves. Ranboo let's out a sigh of relief. But doesn't let go of Tommy yet still anxious of everything.

All of them head to the park rushing to a flower field near a bench. Tubbo lays down under a tree and takes a nap. The partners making flower crowns for each other. Aimsey making a pink, yellow, and greenish flower crown for Guqqie. Guqqie making a red, blue, and pink for Aimsey.

And the allium duo you know what they're looking for. Alliums. Alliums is the best flower they know. They met by giving each other the purple flower. They do it every year like a tradition! 

The two holding hands, running until they found some purple flowers. The duo sit down on the grass picking alliums for each other. Tommy putting his allium flower in Ranboo's hair. The duo hair holds out the flower to give to Tom and he takes the flower. 

They run around the field till they get tired. Both of them laughing and chatting enjoying their time. Tommy remembers something GROCERIES! His home was running low of food. He hated to ruin the moment but he knew he would forget it.

Tommy says, "I'm sorry to ruin the moment but I know I will forget this.. So I need to get groceries from the store..!" Ranboo responds, "It's fine! I really don't mind!"

The two get up off of the grass and head towards the other three and telling them they'll be right back and are heading to the store for food.  They leave and walk to the store.

They were there and was about to head in the store but they stopped see a black cat  with a white patch of fur on their chest with hazel green eyes in a cage. Them both take a closer look and the cat looked sickly skinny. 

Under the cat there was a younger cat. Orange fur, dark shade of orange on the back and head with a white belly, muzzle, and paws with yellow eyes. The cat looked skinny also but not as skinny as the older.

The duo looking at each other and back at the cats they would hate to leave the cats so they took them out of the cage and the cats run up to them immediately. The two cats rub their heads on their legs circling around them, purring.

The duo were in aw they both pick up each of the cats. Tom picked up the younger Ranboo the older.

Ranboo awwing, "They are both so cute how can someone leave them here!!" While the duo were walking more to the store.

They now finally got to the store holding the cats. While they are there they thought they would need cat supplies too.

Tommy pulls out a list of stuff he needs and heads to a food aisle.


(669 words)

I put cats in the chapter because I like cats & I wanted the chapter to be a bit longer.

But its still a short chapter

Sorry for that!!

Also what should they name the cats?

See you later love you! /p

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