3:what a cutie

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Lilly's POV

I woke up with my head hurting, sleeping with rollers in isn't the funnest thing, but I guess beauty is pain.

We where all sleeping in the same bed, thank God Mary had a king sized bed cause we would have fallen off otherwise.

I woke the other two girls up and we got dressed and had breakfast. I usually stay after a sleepover but I decided to go home.

As I stepped out of Mary's house the first thing I did was take a deep breath and inhaled the fresh morning air. Mary's house wasn't to far from my own so it wouldn't take long walking.

While walking home my head was filled with one boy and one boy only. A boy with grease in his hair.

As if on queue I saw two bit walking towards me. I was a little surprised as to why he was on this side of town. Or ever awake, I mean it was 8 am on a Saturday and he didn't look like a morning person.

Nevertheless there he was, beer in hand strutting my way. When he saw me he sort of changed his whole stature. I guess he was surprised to see me too.

"Hello Two bit, how are ya?" I asked looking at his Mickey Mouse tank top. Taking note of it.

"I am doing just fine sweetie, how bout you?" He asked with a goofy smile on his face.

I answered with a quick "I'm doing good" as he stared at me with the same goofy smile.

"Where ya headed, sweetie" he asked. I was a little confused as to why he kept the conversation going or why he called me sweetie but I answered.

"I'm going home from Marcias house." I smiled

"Mind if I walk ya?" He asked. I quickly nodded as he turned around and started waking me home. I don't know why but it made me blush. He slung his arm around me which resulted in me blushing even harder.

I guess he noticed cause I could hear him chuckle a little. We made small talk as he walked me through marcias neighborhood and in to my own. I had never realized that Two bit was this interesting. Funny would be a better word. Or maybe charming.

We walked up to the cream colored house I call my home and we bid our goodbyes but just as I was about to turn around to open the front door Two bit took my hand and kissed it.

My heart stopped and a smile crept onto my face as I finally turned around to open the front door.

What a cutie.

Two bits POV

I turned around and heard the heavy door close behind me. I can't believe that the boys think that they stand a chance against my moves.

Lilly is possibly the most beautiful girl I have EVER seen and along with that, she's humble. She's not like the other socs, if I can ever call her that. I knew that she wasn't super rich, but she wasn't poor like me.

I started walking back to the Curtis house, the only reason I was even in marcias neighborhood was cause Lilly had told me that they were sleeping over at her house when we walked them home yesterday.

It's not just about the bet, Lilly really is something else and a girl that I like. But a bets a bet and I don't like loosing.

Darrys POV

I heard the door open, and I figured it was one of the boys, I was wondering who it was cause it was a Saturday morning and the boys usually sleep till dawn when they get the chance.

"Morning Darry" I heard from two bit. I was standing in the kitchen making eggs for the sleeping boys in the house. I asked where he had been and why he was even up this early. He told me.

I had heard the gang talk about this bet about a girl and I thought that it was kind of messed up but I didn't think much of it.

I listened to two bit babble about his morning with Lilly and how he was certain that he was going to win the bet.

I woke the sleepy boys up and they were all seated around the table. It was normal for the whole gang to be at our house. I know what they all go through at their own homes so our house is like their house as well.

I served the boys and I could see a grin starting to form on Twos face. I knew what was going to happen next.

"I have practically already won this bet so I suggest you all just give me your money now" he spat out leaving all of the other boys with confused looks on their tired faces.

"Um, what?" Pony said. You've literally only talked to her once how could you have won the bet?

"Try twice kiddo, I walked her home today and I gotta say, I even surprised myself with how charming I was" two bit said proudly and he drank the last of his beer.

The other boys were all thinking about how they could beat two bits move on Lilly, not only for the bet but also cause they were all attracted to her.

I had of course heard the entire conversation while reading the paper but when it went silent I decided to put it down and that's when I saw that none of them had even touched their food

"Why is no one eating?" I asked looking around. They all started to eat. I guess they forgot for a minute that food was in front of them.

I decided to add fuel to the fire by asking them who was going to win this little bet, which was a dumb idea cause I've never seen these boys spit out this much food while talking over each other.

Of course they all stated that they would win but with how they where acting I would be surprised if
either one of them actually won.


writing this is kinda boring and no ones reading but I hope that'll change

I also realized how much I write "I guess"

It all started with a bet.Where stories live. Discover now