Contacting me about my books

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This is one topic I need to address. As most know, I'm a self-published author. I've spent a lot of time learning the ins and outs with self-publishing. No one taught me. I had to learn everything on my own.

I also post on Wattpad and iReader. My books are on a few other sites because of a few contracts that I had signed. All of my books except for a few (I say a few because it will be five total) will be exclusive on ebook only to iReader for two years. After that, they turn non-exclusive. Yep, I got everything in writing. I'm no fool. Always get everything in writing.

With that said, if people contact me about my books, don't expect a pleasant response. It's short and to the point. I'm the same way at work and with my text messages. I prefer to cut to the chase.

Plus, no offense, but I'm quite busy with writing. I don't have time for idle chit chat unless you're a reader. Then you get a pass.

My readers are awesome and make me laugh with their comments on the stories. My loyalty will always lie with my readers. Without them, I wouldn't be writing. I can't write for my cat. She's an asshole who doesn't listen half the time. (I love my cat. I say that with affection.)

Random guys that message me can stop. I'm not buying what you're selling. Tell me your hopes and dreams. Well, I hope to retire one day near a beach. I'm not holding my breath. I already achieved my dream of becoming a published writer. So, no, I don't need to discuss my hopes and dreams. Although I need more sleep. That would be nice.

Unless a company is planning to woo me and make it worth my while, you won't get my stories. I've seen how companies treat their writers. I know what I bring to the table, so I'm not afraid to sit alone. However, that doesn't last when others join me. Yeah, I'm a delight.

If you haven't noticed, I'm also a humor writer.

Now excuse me I have a dysfunctional family to write about. Their insanity knows no bounds and neither does mine.

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