Break the rules

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It's time to break the rules. This means write things you would never imagine writing and do it your way. Write about topics people shy away. Write that story that makes people think. Write your own way and keep it simple.

People get too wordy and descriptive when they write because it's what we're taught. The problem is when they do that, they're forgetting to keep it simple.

Honestly why do I need a table described to me in most of a chapter. It's a table. Enough said. Use description of a scene to set the tone then move on. People also get wordy by using big words. Yeah we get it, you want to sound educated. Trust me you're trying too hard. Knock it off. Repetitive and redundant mean the same thing. Stop it.

Yes you can use synonyms to break up the repetitiveness of a chapter but not constantly.

Most people will read all these advice articles on how to write. That's fine but personally, I prefer to write my own way. I prefer to break the rules and write things that are unique and interesting. Editing can come later.

I like to make stories entertaining while discussing serious topics. I like to invoke emotions in people and have them walk away feeling something then just read it and go meh.

Trust me, I've done it. I've read stories and was like eh. I like stories that have humor and romance. Some drama is nice as well but ultimately I want a story that hits my emotions in a way that leaves me with a feeling.

Step out of your comfort zone and write about things you never thought was possible. Break the rules and keep breaking them. People are always searching for someone who can defy everything they've ever been taught.

For anyone that has written a story or attempts to write, you all know this.

The minute you break the rules is the minute you will like writing a lot better. Trust me on this.

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