Unknown facts about the author

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Most people are curious about things about the person behind the stories you enjoy. While I gave you some insight. Here are a few key details you may not know.

I started out writing short stories.

I love teen romance and rom-coms.

Out of all superhero's, Superman is my absolute favorite.

I prefer Star Wars over Star Trek.

I have an extensive Barbie collection that I started when I was ten. All are still in their boxes.

I still have my favorite childhood toy which is a stuff centipede named Henry.

I got my writing ability from my grandmother who was a published writer. Yep she had two books published that are out of print.

I'm extremely family oriented and close to my parents and brother. My daughter is my hero.

I don't like pie except homemade apple pie and usually prefer my mom's.

I can cook and bake.

Coffee is preferred beverage. Which shows up a lot in the stories.

I infused my favorite things with my characters likes and dislikes.

I'm honest and loyal.

I know how to dance.

All my characters are either from family, friends, people I have known or myself and are loosely based upon them. Any similarities is coincidental.

I am an actual published writer and had three poems published in the National Library of Poetry. Yep it's an actual thing.

I absolutely love writing and telling a story. I prefer humor over anything.

I'm extremely shy and take a while to open up to people I don't know.

I swear like a Sailor but also have manners.

I have strong morals, beliefs and values hence why all my characters do such as the likable ones.

If you want to know anything all you have to do is ask.

I don't tolerate rudeness from anyone. I prefer kindness. You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.

Be kind. Be humble. Remember everyone is fighting some kind of battle we nothing about.

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