Reading apps

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As most of you know, there are seven sites that have my book The Gray Brothers listed on their apps as Forced to live with the hot boys. Like I won't recognize my own book. Pft. Yeah, okay. Assholes.

The apps are:

Crazy Novel
Koala Novel

Not only did I find my story on here but many others that came directly from Wattpad, Inkitt, and other platforms.

How is this possible? They use a computer to copy and paste the material to word and upload it to their site.

Who is doing it? The creator of the apps. Then the creator feigns ignorance by saying they don't know how it happened.

Several writers are furious over this happening. Not only is our hard work being stolen but people are trying to profit from us. It's wrong.

As a writer, we spend a lot of time, creating stories from our imagination. I create mine from my personal life. When others dismiss our concerns about people stealing our work, they're telling us we're not important. Wrong. Every piece of intellectual property is important, no matter what.

I've had to fight against copyright infringement countless times to protect my work. I received no help. I finally had to contact an attorney regarding this matter. I had to arm myself with information to fight against these sites.

The best part is people are paying to read stolen stories, especially books that you need to purchase. The author loses money and isn't compensated for their work.

Do not pay to read a book of the author's name isn't attached to it. You're giving your money to thieves. If a book doesn't have the authors name attached, it's stolen.

So, I will make a deal with my readers. If you can help us authors with this issue, I will continue to post on here. Negative reviews tend to hit people where it counts in the pocketbook.

This is the reason I kept my books free while making them available for purchase. Not only do I consider the reader's budget, but it's to stop anyone from profiting from my hard work without proper compensation.

I gave you the list of apps. It's up to you how you choose to help. These apps have mine and others' books listed on their sites.

Between the authors and readers, let's show these thieves they messed with the wrong damn people.

Enough is enough.

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