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A few things in regards to all the stories you have read or will read. All characters are purely fictional. Some are loosely based on people I knew or know. This means I have pulled characteristics of them but they are not an accurate portrayal. If it becomes more accurate that is purely coincidental.

Anyone that shows up in my stories have given their consent to do so. How I write the characters is how I see fit.

All media, such as pictures, videos and gifs do not belong to me. They belong to the original owner. I pull pictures from Pinterest, gifs from an gif keyboard and music from YouTube. All rights belong to the original creators and artists.

All serious subject matter are serious topics that I have come across from speaking to people or what is in the news. I handle them with care.

Majority of storylines I create along with characters belong to me with the exception of a few family members and friends that have helped. All work is original hence why I try not to read to many stories. I understand people want me to check out stories but I have to limit what I read for that purpose only.

All of my stories are copyright and belong to me. Contrary to popular belief I have so many ideas that pop up and how I write, that I don't have time to take from someone else, plus why would I? I have enough material from my own life to write about. Yes, I pull from my own personal life.

This also answers the questions about basic storylines which have been around for hundreds of years. It's how they are written that makes the difference. I write from personal experience, which makes the stories unique along with the characters.

My parents, my husband, daughter and friends have been the biggest supporters and inspiration with writing. Because of them I took that step and published so many thanks to them. Without them, I wouldn't have published anything.

I also want to thank you the readers for following, adding, voting, commenting and messages I have received. Your support mean the world to me. It motivates me to write every single day. Without it, I don't know where I would be. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.


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