-Hunter and Hunted-

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It seems that most of the straggling tributes have had the sense to clear out of the general area along the Cornucopia. This fact is made evident when the sun begins to set and we haven't spotted any trace of another human.

Cato's getting impatient, snapping at anyone who tries to talk to him. I hang back with Marvel and Marina. Marvel, for what seems like the first time ever, stays quiet.

Things take a turn, however, when Glimmer spots the dark gray jacket of a tribute rustling through the woods. Marvel takes off like a bullet, and we crash through the undergrowth after him, eager to catch the fleeing figure.

I hear the shout of a male voice as Marvel and the mystery tribute crash to the ground. The rest of the careers and I watch in anticipation as the two of them scuffle for a bit, but stand back as Marvel emerges victorious with his boot pressed against the other boy's neck.

"Look who we have here," Cato says nastily, grabbing his sword and spitting in the District Twelve boy's face.

"Kill him!" Glimmer shrieks. "What are you waiting for?"

"No, No!" Shouts the boy, squirming under Marvel's grasp. "D-don't kill me! I can help you!"

"Oh, shut up," Marvel presses his boot down further on the guy's neck, making him beg harder. I'm thoroughly enjoying watching Lover Boy cry like a baby after all the shit he pulled. But what he says does start an idea in my mind.

He may know where she is, I realize.

"Wait," Speaking for the first time in what seems like hours, I push past Cato and come to stand by Marvel. I peer into the scared blue eyes of the blonde boy, and tip my head to the side threateningly. "You said you could help us?" I ask dubiously.

"Yes! Yes! I can lead you to her!" He yelps. "I promise!"

I narrow my eyes. "Oh yeah? And what happens if you can't?"

He goes slack-jawed in terror. I smirk, and make a cutting motion with my finger at my neck. I let out a high-pitched laugh as perspiration breaks out on his forehead.

"I swear!" He repeats, seemingly more to Cato than I. "She told me her plan! I can lead you to her."

Cato glances at me, and I nod. I think it's worth a shot. After all, if he's not able to find her, he's no use to us and we can easily finish him. Honestly, I don't know what the boy thinks he's getting out of this arrangement other than a few more days alive, if he's lucky.

"Fine," Says the lumbering blond. "We'll take you for a spin. But fail to find her within three days, and you're dead."

On cue, Marvel lays off of the trembling tribute and scowls as he shakily gets to his feet. "I'm Peeta," He says.

"I'm Peeta," I mock.

"Peeta, Peeta!" Marvel roars. "God, that is a stupid ass name! Peeta!"

Peeta looks down at his boots, seeming embarrassed. I get the feeling he'll be a fun one to toy with. I get the feeling he'll be a fun one to toy with.

"I think she went that way, down that hill," He tells us, pointing at a steep incline. "I saw her running this way."

"It's a start," Marina pitches, and Cato nods, motioning down the hill with his sword. "Lead on, Lover Boy."

And so Peeta leads, and we follow. I fall into step with Cato. Although we don't say much, having him beside me makes me feel more assured. Even though he's flirting with Glimmer as if his life depended on it.

Night falls, and It's cold. I mean, really cold. We're used to temperatures like this in Two, especially in the winter season, but Marina starts to shake like a leaf in the chill. Being from the west, where they rarely get cold weather, I suppose she can be given the benefit of the doubt, but if this much cold is getting to her, I can't begin to imagine how she'll fare when the hunger starts to set in.

"There!" Marvel's voice cuts through the quiet. "Smoke!"

Marvel, being our metaphorical watch dog, has spotted a fire. Cato stops, scopes it out for a moment, and then just doubles over in laughter.

"What is it?" Peeta asks nervously.

"Oh my god, that's too good," Cato chuckles. "What is it. You moron, it's a fire. Some idiot decided to light a fire on the first goddamn night!"

Glimmer snickers, adding onto Cato's words in that annoying way she always has. "This is honestly too easy!"

"How do you want to approach it?" I ask.

"Stealthily," Cato responds. "As much as I'd like to run in there and end it quick, the kid could have time to escape before we got there."

"Ok." Peeta mumbles.

"Oh, hell no. You can't possibly think you're coming with us," I snap. "You trample through the forest like you're hopped up on morphling. Marina, stay with him and make sure he doesn't try anything."

She nods, and Cato glances at me with a look that says "that's my girl." I feel my cheeks grow hot under his gaze and am utterly grateful that night covers the color in my face.

    We leave Marina and Peeta in a small forest grove and set out through the woods to hunt for the fire-starter. Marvel leads us, as he claims to have a keen sense of smell and knows the general direction of where the smoke is emanating from.

    It takes a short while to finally spot the flickers of light coming from the small fire. I peek through the trees, spotting the small frame of a tribute warming her hands above the flames. I can't place her district, probably one of the middle ones.

    Cato gives the signal, and the four of us dash out of the woods, coming to stand tall behind the girl. She turns to look at us in sudden terror, not at all expecting us.

    "No!" Is the first sound that escapes her throat. Her eyes are wide, reflecting the light of her fire. "No, please-"

    She sees Cato unsheathe his sword, and her face noticeably pales.

    This is about that halfway mark where tributes begin to beg. This one is shell-shocked for a moment, and then the worlds fly out of her mouth.

    "No, please don't kill me, n-"

    Her words are cut off as a shrill scream breaks her speech and blood spurts from her abdomen.Cato pulls the sword out. She flops to the floor and twitches, then goes still.

    "Well, that's that," Glimmer says cheerfully.

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