Do You Love Her?

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I was at my parents place to talk about the Irish with my father, Alexander, and River.

He doesn't want much to do with the mafia other than doing tech shit but I need him aware of any threats we may need to talk about.

"Son, how many shipments have been sabotaged in the last two weeks?" my father, Collin asks me. "Two drug shipments and four gun shipments. I think the Irish are low on weapons and the British have the highest gun supply so I believe we should ally the British before the Irish get to them first." I tell him, still thinking about this.

Alexander is about to say something when my phone rings and I so badly want to let it ring to piss him off like Octavia does but Zelda is face timing me, she rarely texts me it's always Oliver so why would she be calling?

Before even thinking I answer the call, "What's wrong?" I immediately ask. My father is looking at me in concern, maybe it's because I'm showing emotion. River looks concerned to because he knows I only act like this with Octavia.

Anastasia Antonov, Octavia's mama, snatched the phone. "She's been shot twice," she whispered but I heard yelling in the background, it's Octavia.

"Can you believe that prick, who shoots someone from behind? Bitches that's who, couldn't even come in front of me, why the fuck were they in the woods, I bet you those fuckers are tree huggers not that, that's doesn't make sense," she rambles on making me smile.

My smile dropped when I remembered why I was called in the first place. "We both know I can't come there, tell her to come see me tomorrow and someone bring her, she shouldn't be going anywhere by herself while she's injured," I tell Anastasia and Zelda in concern. I hear someone in the background stuttering something about her killing someone. "I will bring her by in the morning," Zelda said before hanging up.

I put my phone down on the coffee table and rub a hand down my face. How did she get shot in the first place, what was she doing in the woods? My thought were cut off by Alexander, "What happened, is she good?" he seemed genuinely worried.

"Is who good? Who was injured? And why the fuck are you smiling Evangelos?" My father asks me before I can respond to Alexander.

I look at my brothers, I don't know what I should tell him. River starts talking before I can say anything, "Octavia Antonov, which is also the lost Romano sister, who is also the girl who has captured Evangelos' heart, and also the girl who annoys the hell out of Alexander." River all but states, making me and Alexander roll our eyes.

"Your telling me not only did you not tell me the Italian princess was back, you didn't tell me or your mother you finally found someone?" My father asks like he doesn't know the answer to both of those.

"I'm sorry dad, it's just I haven't known her for all that long and-" River cuts me off, "He let's her wear his clothes, even his football hoodie which he never gives to anyone." River stated matter of fact. Father looks surprised, he didn't ask about her age or anything really and I appreciated that.

What I didn't appreciate was his yelling for my mother, Cassandra. "Yes, what do you want I was making cookies," she asks sternly.

"Did you know that Evangelos has a girlfriend?" my father asks her. "No, I certainly did not. Why didn't you tell me? I want to meet her, you should bring her over for dinner Sunday." my mother says.

"Mom, she's also the lost Italian Princess," Alexander tells her with a smirk. He knows he's about to get me into shit. Thankfully Killian walks into the room, "What are we talking about?" he asks nonchalantly.

"Evangelos' girlfriend," mother says. Killian starts choking on his saliva. "What did you say?" he asks for confirmation. He looks at me with wide eyes, knowing I wasn't going to tell them yet.

"She's been shot, twice." I tell him, my chest hurting and me not being able to look him in the eyes. "What?" he asks starting to cry.

"Why is he so upset? Is she his girlfriend too?" my father asks making me irritated because I am not sharing her, my father looks at Killian in surprise when he says, "My Faye, where is she, I'm going to get her?"

My father knows about her, we all do considering Killian is very close to us and he doesn't talk about his past but he made it clear who Faye was to him.

"What does Faye have to do with this?" Momma asks him, "Faye is Octavia," I tell her, "Octavia Faye Antonov/Romano" I tell her. I don't know how she is going to react considering she is seventeen, she is also the Italians only daughter and youngest child.

"Do you love her?" momma asks me, without thinking I say, "I think so," smiling like a little kid on Christmas. I hear my mother gasp before I look up at her she's hugging me. I don't know what to do or say so I look towards my father for help. "Can everyone leave the room so I can talk to dad?" I ask, everyone leaves and I look towards dad.

"Say something, please" I say looking at dad. He just looks at me emotionlessly not giving me any indication of what he is thinking.

"You know son, this is not a game. If she really is both an Antonov and a Romano then if you hurt her it can cause problems. So if you do not see a future with her you should leave it be now but if you do see a future with her then I will support your relationship, but son I seen the fear on your face when that women told you she was shot and the clearly the girl wouldn't be such a problem in our lifestyle, she did flat out admit she killed someone and instead of freaking out she was concerned about them being tree huggers, what even is a tree hugger?" my father says slightly laughing in the end.

"I see a future with her dad, I never thought I would be capable to feel the way I feel for her. Octavia is different, she's special. I fall harder for her everyday, with the way she rubs her face when she's tired or the way she cuddles into my side even when she is asleep, the way she cares for her two  best friends who I just address as her siblings because of how close they are, or the way she'll just let her phone ring because she knows it annoys the living hell out of Alexander-" I tell him rambling about the things about Octavia that makes me fall for her even more.

My father cuts me off, "You're reminding me of myself with your mom. I knew she was mine from the first time I seen her, she was nothing but perfection in my eyes." he says remembering his and moms past. I slightly smile before I get a text. Looking down at my phone it's Octavia.


Tavia💋: I'll be over tomorrow morning around 10

Im happy she's coming over in the morning, Im worried.

me: okay see you then love

I'm ready for her to be with me in my bed and I will personally watch what ever it is she wants to watch with me, even if it's Frozen.

I'm not going to lie, I actually liked it and Killian and hers singing lessons.

It's Wednesday night now so I have time to decide how I'm gonna ask her to go to my moms dinner Sunday. I also think I have the perfect plan for our date, I'll just have to talk to the twins.

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