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"Here is Vias Phone Godzella," Liam said to Zelda, smiling all cute and shit. I was laughing my ass off. I already knew it came from Via and Liam confirming that just made me laugh harder.

I hear Maxim asked where Oliver was which had me wondering too. He was down here before I went upstairs to get Liam away from Via. My thoughts are caught off when I hear a scream from upstairs, I immediately run upstairs to see if Octavias upstairs but then I hear another scream before Oliver appears running down the stairs with a knife in his arm and Via soaked from head to toe.

Oliver tripped on the last step making him fall to the floor and groan, Octavia got on top of Oliver and punched him a few times before taking her knife out of his arm and walking back upstairs cussing him out. Liam was laughing the whole time which I'm glad he thinks it's funny instead of traumatizing. I see Liam is about to walk upstairs so I tell him to let Via shower first and then he can go see her, dinner should be ready soon. Zelda hands me the phone as Maxim hangs up and I walk upstairs to see the bathroom light on.

"You okay baby?" I ask her while I'm helping her take off her wet clothes. She nods her head and moves to pull off my shirt with her bloody hands but I just let her. I take off my jeans and boxers before I get into the bathtub and she sits down in front of me and wraps her arms around her knees, laying her head of top of them.

She just looks drained and she's been woken up like this at least five times since she's been here but this is the most violent I've seen her get because of it. She stabbed her brother.

"I didn't mean to hurt him," she says looking at the blood on her hands, scrubbing them together aggressively to get the blood off. "I was having a nightmare and I know that he didn't know but I just immediately threw the knife as soon as I jumped up, I didn't mean to," she stuttered and a lone tear ran down her face. She'll probably never sleep with a knife near her again.

"Hey baby, it's not your fault. He'll forgive you, you're his sister after all." I tell her wiping away the traitorous tear. "What kind of sister stabs her brother?" she asks me and I don't know what to say at this point. I pull her close to me and kiss her shoulder before wrapping my arms around her waist.

"I love you Evangelos," she tells me and gives me a kiss, she goes to move away but I don't let her, I deepened the kiss before I let go, "I love you too, let's go eat dinner and then we can watch a movie with Liam because I had to keep him from waking you up for three hours," I tell her and we both get up.



I feel terrible about stabbing Olly. I'm dreading that he might actually be upset with me, considering that I did punch him a few times after I had already injured him.

Walking to the kitchen with Evangelos, I take a seat at the right of Evangelos, who was seated at the head of the table. As the food is brought out and placed in front of us, people at the table start making idle conversation with each other. Right now I can't bring myself to stop thinking about what the Irish have done to me and even the twins and Killian.

I can't help but think about the nightmare, the one that caused me to immediately stab Oliver.

Maybe you deserved it, I mean look at what you did to poor Olly...

I didn't mean to do that. I- I could never hurt him he means the world to me.

Maybe... but what if Zelda ends up hating you too, you hurt her twin.

She wouldn't, she's my best friend and my family. I love both of them they both are my world, without them, I probably wouldn't even be here. I guess I was in my thoughts for a little too long because Liam is poking my arm repeatedly and Evangelos looks worried. I looked back down at my plate and realized I have only taken a few bites.

I haven't had the voices in my head come out to play to that extent in a very long time. That frightens me, why would they come back out now?
"Liam, you still wanna watch a movie?" I ask him. Just because I'm in an aggravating mood doesn't mean I should dampen his. He jumps up happily, nodding his head up and down quickly with a huge grin. Liam's smile falls slightly before he says, "Ya know V, I think we should invite River, Alex, Olly, and Zel,"

I honestly do not have the energy to deal with them but he looks so sad. "They never join when we watch movies," he says sounding sad and of course, he had to bring out the puppy eyes.

I look at the four teenagers and raise an eyebrow asking if they want to. They all nod their heads to signal they do want to. Olly, Zel, and River actually look excited. Alexander, not so much. If he didn't want to watch a movie with us though I doubt he would. I grab my phone and text Papa that I love and miss him.

I hope he figures his crap out before October 4th because that is how long I gave him before I start looking into it myself, trust me when I say I will find out and if it is actually something really bad then I am going to be angry.

I worry that I am a bad leader to the Russians. Especially since I moved here, I've just been so busy. I guess that is what I will spend my day doing tomorrow... paperwork yay! I hope you can sense the sarcasm.

Everyone piles up in our- I meant Evangelos' room, Liam is of course on the bed with Evangelos and me. Both sets of twins barge in with a lot of snacks and drinks while they all spread out on the long couch In Evangelos' room. "So what are we watching?" I ask. Liam doesn't seem to care as he's too busy laying on my chest.

"Olly how about I let you pick since you know, I stabbed you,' I say nervously scratching the back of my neck. Oliver just smirks and that's never a good sign.

"How about we watch Madagascar?" he suggests smiling at me with a soft smile. I love that movie which only he knows cause we had a movie night a few years ago, just me and him. We watched this movie and I am only going to say I was really emotional and maybe cried when the baby lion was separated from his father.

Evangelos pulls me closer to him, even with Liam on me.

"Σ'αγαπώ," he says in a tired voice while I just smile and say back, "Σ'αγαπώ" 
(I love you- Greek)

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